Natasha Elkington


Natasha Elkington is an award-winning, independent multimedia journalist, producer and online editor based in Nairobi, Kenya. She worked with Thomson Reuters for three years in Toronto and with the Thomson Reuters Foundation for three years in London. She has previously worked as a TV producer with the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) and also done freelance photography and video for various organizations around Africa including FilmAid, Action Aid and the European Union. Originally from Kenya, she has a passion for telling human impact stories and writing about the environment.

By this writer

NAIROBI (Landscape News) — Alors que l’Afrique connait une rapide croissance démographique et un rapide développement, la demande de produits forestiers sur le continent est en hausse. Cette demande a amplifié le commerce, en particulier dans le secteur informel, où il n’y a ni contrôle ni surveillance, ce qui peut avoir des conséquences dommageables pour […]