
Restoration expert Paola Agostini on restoring 30 million hectares of Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia in new country-led commitment ECCA30.

The psychology of creating effective narratives around climate change

Countries must improve capacity to collect and share statistics

General Assembly agrees to urgently address global challenges through restoration

Commitment capsule: The Sustainable Development Goals

Key findings from new UN Women report

Earlier this month, more than 1,000 people gathered for World Environment Day in Samarinda, the capital of Indonesia’s East Kalimantan province. It was a moment – shared by millions of people all over the world in different ways – of reflection and action on the environment. In the run-up to the event, there had been […]

A Q&A with Peter Holmgren, Director General of the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) Why hold a Global Landscapes Forum? We thought that one of the biggest gaps in the whole development discourse is, how do we find the finance that needs to be invested in fair and equitable ways to achieve all the […]

In addition to addressing climate finance, one of the main topics discussed at the Global Landscapes Forum: The Investment Case was decoupling deforestation from supply chains. “The Paris Agreement is significant because it brought forward the aspiration of staying below 2 degrees Celsius and put forests in the text,” said Marco Albani, Director of the Tropical Forest Alliance […]

Check out in-depth coverage of the Global Landscapes Forum 2016—The Investment Case, including shifting trends in private sector funding of landscapes.

Interest in investing in sustainability is on the rise. With the Paris Climate Agreement and the launch of the Sustainable Development Goals last year, the political demand to further sustainability across sectors and scales is stronger than ever- a fact that is reflected in current investment trends. Achim Steiner, executive director of the United Nations […]

There is a lot of buzz in the global development community about the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)—the pledges to cut poverty, hunger, and malnutrition while protecting the planet—signed by 193 countries. This commitment will guide global action over the next 15 years, promising to leave no one behind. But we already risk overlooking one important […]