Eduardo Rojas Briales

Eduardo Rojas Briales – Opening – Opening Address: Negotiating landscapes for multiple benefits

07 December 2014

Assistant Director-General of FAO, Eduardo Rojas Briales, speaks at the high-level opening plenary session from the first day of the Global Landscapes Forum 2014, in Lima, Peru, during COP20.

The session explores how integrated approaches support the achievement of multiple benefits in the landscape, by addressing the following points: Which processes and principles can be applied that help in negotiating multiple benefits? What are the main obstacles to achieving combined land use solutions? And what does ā€œgood landscape governanceā€ look like?

Saturday, 6 December 2014

Global Landscapes Forum, Lima, Peru

#COP20GLF #ThinkLandscape

Eduardo Rojas Briales – Opening Address- Negotiating landscapes for multiple benefits

Your Excellency, Minister D. Juan Benitez,

Heads of UN agencies and other international organizations,



Ladies and Gentlemen,

buenas tardes, bonjour, good afternoon!

It is a special honour for me to greet you on the occasion of the Global Landscapes Forum 2 on behalf of FAO Director-General Dr JosƩ Graziano da Silva. He would have wished to address you directly but was unable to do so, due to the meeting of the FAO Council. It is an honour to take part in this opening ceremony together with the Peruvian Minister of Agriculture, D. Juan Benitez. Allow me to extend a warm welcome to you all, on behalf of all of the organizations that have made this this Forum possible.

The success, in terms of participation, of this second edition of the Global Landscapes Forum has exceeded all expectations. A total of 1 600 participants have registered and the web page has been receiving more than 10 000 visits per day. All this is thanks to the success of previous editions, including GLF1 ā€“ celebrated for the first time during COP19 in Warsaw ā€“ as well as Forest Day, Agriculture and Rural Development Day, and Mountain Day. I would like to acknowledge the excellent cooperation among the organizers of this event: CIFOR, UNEP, FAO, our various partners, as well as the special role played by the Collaborative Partnership on Forests which has organized various editions of GLF as well as its predecessor, Forest Day. By uniting our efforts, we can ensure that our messages are carried farther at the same time as we search for solutions in these interconnected areas.

We would like to express special gratitude towards those donors who, thanks to their support, have made this event possible: the CGIAR research programme on forests, trees and agroforestry, UKAID, NORAD and AusAID. We also thank South Pole Carbon who, through its carbon emissions compensation programme, has enabled this event to be carbon neutral.

2015 will be a crucial year for the international agenda. The UN General Assembly will approve the post-2015 agenda which includes the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with targets to 2030. It is very important that agriculture, forests, mountains, food and nutrition, rural development and climate change are reflected in an inclusive way in the future Sustainable Development Goals, so that their multi-functional potential is fully realized and not constrained or limited.

In 2015 we will also celebrate the International Year of Soils, and the Hyogo Framework on disaster risk reduction will be approved. Furthermore, Beijing+20 will strengthen the importance of gender. Allow me to remind you, as Commissioner-General of the UN for Milan Expo 2015, of the excellent opportunity that this Expo offers to disseminate information about the main challenges and opportunities to improve food security for all the citizens of this planet in the shortest possible time and in a sustainable way. The UN presence will focus on the Zero Hunger Challenge launched by the Secretary-General at Rio+20. Finally, in September, South Africa and FAO will organize the XIV World Forestry Congress, the main forestry event on the planet, which will be hosted for the first time on the African continent. You are all warmly invited to both events.

Humanity is facing key challenges such as food and nutrition security, the fight against poverty, climate change, and energy security. Even today, 805 million people suffer from chronic hunger, one billion people live in extreme poverty, especially in rural areas. We need to ensure access to energy, water and sanitation, education, health, employment, a dignified life and security to all. And all this in a way that is sustainable and allows us to preserve conditions for life on the planet and prevent natural disasters ā€“ for this forests are key.

The integrated approach of this Forum invites us to address these challenges from a shared perspective that recognizes the significant linkages between agriculture, forests, and mountains. The landscape approach – is based on a deeply rooted forestry tradition: watershed management. Suffice it to recall the name of the forestry career in Francophone countries since the establishment of the School of Nancy in 1824 (IngĆ©nieurs des Eaux et ForĆŖts). By overcoming sectoral barriers or a particular land use or activity, one can achieve economies of scale in social and political terms (communication) and find synergies while building new partnerships. We could mention as examples forest restoration, agroforestry, silvo-pastoral models, the relationship between mangroves and fisheries, and pollination. Looking to the future we should pay more attention to the water issue. This new paradigm must place rural people and their legitimate aspirations to human development at the centre of attention and as point of convergence of different sectors and activities.

But we also have good news, suggesting that we are on the right track. During the recent ICN-2 which took place at FAO Headquarters in Rome a few weeks ago, world leaders agreed on the establishment of national policies to eradicate malnutrition and transform agri-food chains so as to ensure adequate and universally affordable diets. There was widespread agreement at ICN-2 with respect to the limits of the planet and the environmental dimension of this collective effort. As emphasized at Rio+20, the 3 pillars of sustainability cannot be addressed in isolation.

ICN-2 recalled the need to address the linkages between food and health while increasing the recognition of how much health depends on the environmental conditions ā€“ especially of air and water ā€“ where people live, which also highlights the importance of peri-urban forests. We have to redesign agriculture not only to be ready by 2050 to feed a planet with 9 000 million people, having overcome hunger and poverty, but to do so with healthy diets.

The emerging terminology of climate-smart agriculture seeks to place agriculture as a central solution for many challenges, particularly climate change in both its adaptation and mitigation aspects. It also aims to legitimately improve production and income, especially for small farmers. The Global Alliance for Climate-Smart Agriculture launched at the Climate Summit by the UN Secretary-General in September should serve as a platform to support action in this area.

REDD + is one of the most immediate mitigation opportunities which provides substantial environmental and social co-benefits. We find that countries are making considerable progress in this area with the support of numerous international partners that include UN-REDD (formed by UNDP, UNEP and FAO and supporting 56 countries) and the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility of the World Bank.

An increasing number of countries have pledged to restore significant areas of land under the Bonn Challenge 2011 and the Aichi targets. As a contribution in this area, FAO has recently launched the Forest Landscape Restoration Facility which aims to support countries in their efforts towards forest restoration. We would like to mention in this context also the Global Soil Partnership, the Forest and Farm Facility and the Mountain Partnership, hosted by FAO.

Finally we must remember that rural areas and activities are also the source of renewable bio-materials (wood, bamboo, fibres, etc.) that will allow us to follow a path towards greener and lower carbon economies, thanks to the invaluable substitution effect. New developments in the chemical, textile, construction and energy industries are opening up new opportunities to diversify and improve the living conditions of the rural population, encourage entrepreneurship and optimize the use of by-products. This is possible as long as competition with food production is avoided and sustainability limits are respected.

To achieve the paradigm shift advocated by this Forum we have to innovate at both the scientific and technological levels as well as at a conceptual level with the aim of achieving rural territories that are more resilient, able to protect us from disasters, effective in the use of resources, and productive in terms of goods and services, while we ensure rural development that is inclusive and respectful of the environment.

All actors must be involved. The example of the Committee on Food Security, hosted in FAO, can inspire us along the way. The Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security, approved in 2012 by the Committee, offer an inspiring example to follow in such a crucial, as well as politically sensitive, area for the future of rural societies.

The relentless process of urbanization which is taking place on all continents should not lead us to believe the illusion that modern society will be less dependent on rural areas. Quite the contrary, the challenges that society faces today require much more of its territory, resources, activities and population, as well as of its traditional knowledge, than in the past. This Forum, which, on behalf of FAO, I have the honour to contribute to opening today, should guide us to respond optimally to these emerging issues. I wish you all fruitful discussions and thank you for your kind attention!


Su Excelencia Ministro D. Juan Benitez,

Responsables de agencias de las NNUU y otros organismos internacionales,


Delegados, seƱoras y seƱores,

buenas tardes, bon jour, good afternoon!

Constituye un especial honor saludarles con ocasiĆ³n del Global Landscapes Forum 2 en nombre del Director General de la FAO, Dr. JosĆ© Graziano da Silva, quiĆ©n hubiese deseado dirigirse a Vds. pero que debido a la celebraciĆ³n del Consejo de la FAO no le ha sido posible. Es un honor poder compartir esta ceremonia de apertura con el Ministro de Agricultura del PerĆŗ, D. Juan Benitez. PermĆ­tanme darles a todos en nombre de las organizaciones que han sustentado este Forum la mĆ”s cordial bienvenida.

El Ć©xito de convocatoria de esta segunda ediciĆ³n del Global Landscapes Forum ha superado todas las expectativas. Tenemos 1 600 participantes registrados y la pĆ”gina web recibe diariamente mĆ”s de 10 000 visitas. Todo ello se basa en el Ć©xito de las ediciones anteriores tanto del GLF1 ā€“ celebrado por primera vez en la COP19 de Varsovia – como del Forest Day, Agriculture y Rural Development Day y Mountain Day. Quisiera reconocer la excelente cooperaciĆ³n entre los organizadores de este evento (CIFOR, UNEP y FAO, las numerosas organizaciones asociadas, asĆ­ como el rol especial del Collaborative Partnership on Forests que ha venido convocando las sucesivas ediciones del GLF y de su predecesor el Forest Day. Uniendo esfuerzos podemos conseguir que nuestros mensajes lleguen mucho mĆ”s lejos a la vez que buscamos soluciones para estos Ć”mbitos tan intrĆ­nsecamente vinculados.

QuisiĆ©ramos reconocer con especial gratitud a los donantes que con su contribuciĆ³n han hecho posible este evento: el programa de investigaciĆ³n sobre bosques, Ć”rboles y agroforesterĆ­a del CGIAR, UKAID, NORAD y AusAID. TambiĆ©n debemos reconocer a South Pole Carbon que mediante programas de compensaciĆ³n de emisiones de carbono aseguran que este evento sea carbono neutral.

2015 serĆ” un aƱo crucial en la agenda internacional. La Asamblea General de la ONU debe aprobar la agenda post 2015 que incluye los objetivos de desarrollo sostenible (SDGs) con el objetivo fijado en 2030. Es muy importante que la agricultura, los bosques, las montaƱas, la alimentaciĆ³n, el desarrollo rural y el cambio climĆ”tico a los que se dirige este FĆ³rum se recojan de forma inclusiva en los futuros objetivos de desarrollo sostenible de tal forma que puedan aportar todo su potencial multifuncional evitando en todo caso subordinaciones altamente limitadoras.

TambiĆ©n en 2015 celebraremos el AƱo Internacional de los Suelos y se aprobarĆ” el marco de Hyogo sobre reducciĆ³n del riesgo de desastres. AdemĆ”s, Beijing+20 reforzarĆ” la agencia de gĆ©nero. PermĆ­tanme recordarles como Comisario General de la ONU para Expo Milano 2015 la excelente oportunidad que ofrece esta exposiciĆ³n universal para difundir los principales retos y oportunidades que permitan alcanzar la seguridad alimentaria para todos los ciudadanos del planeta en el menor plazo de tiempo posible y de una forma sostenible. Las Naciones Unidas centrarĆ”n su presencia en el Reto del Hambre Cero lanzado por el Secretario General durante RĆ­o+20. Finalmente en septiembre estĆ” convocado por SudĆ”frica y la FAO el XIV Congreso Forestal Mundial que constituye el mayor evento forestal del Planeta y que se celebra por primera vez en el continente africano. Quedan Vds. cordialmente invitados a ambos eventos.

La Humanidad estĆ” afrontando cruciales retos como son la seguridad alimentaria y nutricional, la lucha contra la pobreza, el cambio climĆ”tico o la energĆ­a. AĆŗn hoy 805 millones de personas sufren hambre crĆ³nica, 1 000 millones viven en extrema pobreza, especialmente en zonas rurales, hemos de asegurar a todos acceso a la energĆ­a, al agua y el saneamiento, la educaciĆ³n, la salud, un empleo y vivienda dignos o la seguridad y, todo ello, de una forma sostenible que nos permita preservar las condiciones de vida en el planeta incluyendo la prevenciĆ³n de desastres naturales para lo que los bosques devienen claves.

El enfoque integrador de este FĆ³rum aboga por abordar estos retos desde una visiĆ³n compartida que reconozca las considerables interrelaciones entre la agricultura, los bosques, las montaƱas. El enfoque territorial ā€“ que no de paisajes por una desafortunada traducciĆ³n del inglĆ©s obviando la doble acepciĆ³n del tĆ©rmino landscapes – se basa en un enfoque muy arraigado en la tradiciĆ³n forestal como la gestiĆ³n de cuencas. Baste recordar la denominaciĆ³n de la carrera forestal en los paĆ­ses francĆ³fonos desde el establecimiento de la Escuela de Nancy en 1824 (IngĆ©nieurs des Eaux et ForĆŖts). Superar las barreras sectoriales o de un uso del suelo o actividad concreta permite alcanzar economĆ­as de escala en tĆ©rminos sociales (comunicaciĆ³n) y polĆ­ticos y encontrar sinergias a la vez que construir nuevos partenariados. PodrĆ­amos mencionar como ejemplos de ello la restauraciĆ³n forestal, la agroforesterĆ­a, los modelos silvopastorales, la interrelaciĆ³n de los manglares con la pesca o la polinizaciĆ³n. Mirando hacia el futuro deberĆ­amos prestar mĆ”s atenciĆ³n a la cuestiĆ³n del agua en este contexto. Este nuevo paradigma debe emplazar la poblaciĆ³n rural y sus legĆ­timas aspiraciones de desarrollo humano en el centro de toda atenciĆ³n a la que converjan los diferentes sectores y actividades.

Pero tambiĆ©n tenemos buenas noticias que nos indican que estamos alcanzando en la direcciĆ³n adecuada. Durante la reciente ICN-2 que tuvo lugar en la sede de la FAO en Roma hace pocas semanas, los lĆ­deres mundiales acordaron el establecimiento de polĆ­ticas nacionales capaces de erradicar la malnutriciĆ³n, la transformaciĆ³n de las cadenas agroalimentarias para asegurar dietas nutricionalmente adecuadas y universalmente asequibles. Hubo una considerable coincidencia en ICN-2 en el respeto a los lĆ­mites del planeta y la dimensiĆ³n ambiental de este esfuerzo colectivo. Como se insistiĆ³ en Rio+20, no se pueden abordar ya los 3 pilares de la sostenibilidad de forma aislada.

ICN-2 recordĆ³ la necesidad de abordar la interrelaciĆ³n entre alimentaciĆ³n y salud a la vez que crece el reconocimiento de la dependencia de la salud de las condiciones ambientales – especialmente en tĆ©rminos de aire y agua ā€“ donde reside la poblaciĆ³n lo que eleva la atenciĆ³n hacia los bosques periurbanos. Hemos de rediseƱar la agricultura no solo para estar preparada para alimentar en 2050 a un planeta con 9 000 millones de personas en el que hayamos superado el hambre y la pobreza sino que ademĆ”s sea basado en una alimentaciĆ³n sana y saludable.

El emergente tĆ©rmino de agricultura climĆ”ticamente inteligente busca emplazar Ć³ptimamente a la agricultura de cara a los mĆŗltiples retos del futuro, especialmente el cambio climĆ”tico tanto en su vertiente de adaptaciĆ³n como de mitigaciĆ³n. Pretende tambiĆ©n mejorar legĆ­timamente las producciones e ingresos, especialmente de los pequeƱos agricultores. La Alianza Global de Agricultura ClimĆ”ticamente Inteligente lanzada durante la Cumbre sobre el Clima del Secretario General de la ONU en pasado septiembre debe servir de plataforma de apoyo a las actuaciones en este Ć”mbito.

REDD+ es una de las oportunidades de mitigaciĆ³n mĆ”s inmediatas a la vez que asegura considerables cobeneficios de tipo ambiental y social. Constatamos que los paĆ­ses estĆ”n realizando progresos considerables en este Ć”mbito con el apoyo de numerosos partners internacionales que incluyen a UNREDD formado por el PNUD, PNUMA y la FAO y que asiste a 56 paĆ­ses asĆ­ como el FCPF del Banco Mundial.

Un nĆŗmero creciente de paĆ­ses se han comprometido a restaurar importantes extensiones en el marco del Bonn Challenge de 2011 y las metas de Aichi. Como una contribuciĆ³n en este Ć”mbito, la FAO ha lanzado recientemente el Forest Landscape Restoration Mechanism que pretende apoyar operacionalmente a los paĆ­ses en sus esfuerzos de restauraciĆ³n forestal. QuisiĆ©ramos mencionar en este contexto tambiĆ©n el Global Soil Partnership, la Forest and Farm Facility y la Alianza de las MontaƱas, albergadas en la FAO.

Finalmente debemos recordar que los espacios rurales y las actividades asociadas son tambiĆ©n la fuente de los materiales renovables de origen biolĆ³gico (madera, bambĆŗ, fibras, etc.) que nos permitirĆ”n recorrer la senda hacia economĆ­as mĆ”s verdes y bajas en carbono gracias a la inestimable funciĆ³n de substituciĆ³n. Los nuevos desarrollos en la industria quĆ­mica, textil, de la construcciĆ³n o de energĆ­a abren nuevas oportunidades para diversificar y mejorar las condiciones de vida de la poblaciĆ³n rural, favorecer el emprendedurismo y optimizar el uso de los subproductos siempre y cuando se evite la competencia con la producciĆ³n de alimentos y se respeten los lĆ­mites de la sostenibilidad.

Para alcanzar el cambio paradigmĆ”tico por el que aboga este FĆ³rum hemos de innovar tanto en el Ć”mbito cientĆ­fico y tecnolĆ³gico como conceptual con el objetivo de alcanzar unos territorios rurales mĆ”s resilientes, capaces de protegernos de catĆ”strofes, efectivos en el uso de los recursos y productivos en tĆ©rminos de bienes y servicios a la vez que aseguramos un desarrollo rural inclusivo y respetamos el entorno.

Todos los actores deben ser involucrados. El ejemplo del ComitƩ de Seguridad Alimentaria, albergado en la FAO, puede inspirarnos en el camino. Las directrices voluntarias sobre tenencia responsable de la tierra aprobadas en 2012 por el ComitƩ ofrecen un sugestivo cambio a seguir en un tema tan crucial para el futuro del mundo rural como polƭticamente sensible.

El imparable proceso de urbanizaciĆ³n en todos los continentes no debe llevarnos al espejismo de que la sociedad moderna hubiera diluido su dependencia del medio rural. Antes al contrario, los retos que la sociedad afronta demandan de su territorio, recursos, actividad y poblaciĆ³n y sus conocimientos tradicionales mucho mĆ”s que en el pasado. Para ilustrarnos en responder Ć³ptimamente a estas emergentes demandas se dirige este FĆ³rum al que tengo el honor en nombre de la FAO de contribuir a su inauguraciĆ³n el dĆ­a de hoy. Les deseo a todos unas fructĆ­feras discusiones y les agradezco cordialmente su amable atenciĆ³n!




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