Watch this Discussion Forum on the first day of the Global Landscapes Forum 2014, in Lima, Peru, during COP20. This discussion focused on REDD+ negotiations under UNFCCC, in particular the conservation of forest carbon stocks through avoiding deforestation and forest degradation in developing countries. It demonstrates the application of safeguards for biodiversity and the rights of indigenous and local communities.
Steve Panfil
Technical Advisor
REDD+ for Conservation International
Braulio Ferreira de Souza Dias
Executive Secretary
Convention on Biological Diversity
Valerie Kapos
Climate Change and Biodiversity, UNEP-WCMC
Heru Prasetyo
REDD+ Management Agency, Indonesia
Gabriel Quijandría Acosta
Viceminister Strategic Development of Natural Resources
Ministry of Environment, Peru
Mark De Claro
Head REDD+ Unit
Department of Environment and Natural Resources, the Philippines
Saturday, 6 December 2014
Global Landscapes Forum, Lima, Peru
#COP20GLF #ThinkLandscape
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A new report finds that economic benefits of expanding protected areas to cover 30% of the planet's lands and oceans outweigh the costs 5-to-1.
Day 2 of GLF Nairobi 2023 gathered thousands of people to explore what we can all do to tackle the climate crisis. Read this wrap-up to learn more.