Compartiendo Chicha, Equador; 2014 GLF Photo competition; by Jorge Martinez

Local innovations, global implications: Call for 2015 Equator Prize nominations

29 April 2015

Originally announced in The Equator Initiative newsletter

The Equator Initiative calls for nominations for the Equator Prize 2015 as part of an extensive partnership effort underway to strengthen and highlight the role of indigenous peoples and local communities at the United Nations Climate Change Conference (UNFCCC COP21).

The Equator Prize 2015 will be awarded to 20 outstanding local and indigenous initiatives that are advancing innovative solutions for people, nature and resilient communities.

Winning initiatives will join a prestigious network of 187 leading community-based organizations from 70 different countries that have been awarded the Equator Prize since 2002. Each winning initiative will receive US$ 10,000 and be supported to participate in a series of policy dialogues and special events at the UNFCCC COP21 in Paris, France in December 2015.


The Equator Prize 2015 will showcase outstanding local and indigenous community efforts to reduce poverty, protect nature, and strengthen resilience in the face of climate change. In keeping with the themes of COP21 and the imperative of empowering indigenous peoples and local communities in the new climate agreement, the Equator Prize 2015 will place special emphasis on the following:

  • Local Climate Solutions: Indigenous peoples and local communities that are improving livelihoods and wellbeing through the protection, restoration and sustainable management of forests; sustainable agriculture and food security; community-based adaptation to climate change; or biodiversity conservation. 
  • Indigenous Peoples and Community Empowerment: Indigenous peoples and local communities that are working to protect and secure rights to their lands, territories and natural resources.
  • Innovative Partnerships: Indigenous peoples and local communities that are forging innovative partnerships with governments, private sector companies and other stakeholders to advance inclusive climate and development solutions. 

Nominations are open to organizations from 145 countries. For eligibility requirements and selection criteria, please click here.




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