

Restoring the Earth

Raising up female leaders defining the future of our planet
through their ideas, talents, actions and inspiration

Raising up female leaders defining the future of our planet
through their ideas, talents, actions and inspiration

Joji Cariño

The Defender

Jane Goodall

The Legend

Elizabeth Mrema

The Convener

Sahana Ghosh

The Storyteller

Carole Dieschbourg

The Minister

Susan Chomba

The Scientist

Vanessa Nakate

The Activist

Sumarni Laman

The Steward

Varshini Prakash

The Visionary

Durreen Shahnaz

The Financier

Sônia Guajajara

The Fighter

Cristina Mittermeier

The Photographer

Jonna Mazet

The Healer

Patricia Zurita

The Conservationist

Yvonne Aki-Sawyerr

The Groundbreaker

Words by Gabrielle Lipton
Design by Perdana Putra and Wigid Triyadi
Video by Edliadi Mokhamad

See last year’s 16 Women here:

2020 - 16 Women Restoring the Earth