Photo: Jordane Mathieu, Unsplash

Our top 10 reads on peatlands

Get informed ahead of GLF Peatlands with these must-reads
02 June 2024

Happy World Peatlands Day! Let’s take a moment today to recognize a climate solution that hardly ever gets talked about.

Peatlands cover just under 3 percent of the Earth’s land area, but they store twice as much carbon as our forests. And yet, these invaluable carbon sinks are being wiped out faster than ever.

So, why don’t we ever hear about them?

On Thursday, 6 June, we at the Global Landscapes Forum will bring together 1,000 experts and advocates from across the globe to raise our voices for peatlands.

Ahead of GLF Peatlands 2024, here are our top 10 reads from ThinkLandscape to get informed about the climate solution we forgot.

What are peatlands, and why do they matter?

First things first – what are peatlands, what can they do for us, and why are they so under threat? Discover all you need to know about this crucial landscape in our brand-new explainer.

6 ways to save our peatlands

Now that we know what peatlands are, what can we do to protect them? We asked experts, scientists and environmental activists to give us the lowdown.

Power to the peat: 3 ways to restore peatlands

From the archives, here are three more ways to bring degraded peatlands back to health, based on research by CIFOR-ICRAF in Indonesia.

What’s threatening the Congo Basin’s peatlands?

Back in 2017, scientists discovered the world’s largest peatland – the Cuvette Centrale, located in the Congo Basin. How can we keep it intact?

Learn more about Central African forests at our hybrid forum on 20 June.

Peatlands in Congo Basin opened for oil exploration

Fast forward to 2022, and the Congolese government announced that it would open the Cuvette Centrale for oil and gas exploration. Spoiler alert: this was not a wise move.

Peatlands on permafrost

Peatlands aren’t just found in the tropics: in fact, most of the world’s peatlands are located near the poles, especially in northern Europe, Russia, Canada and Alaska.

Peru’s peatlands are beginning to share their secrets – and policymakers are listening

The Peruvian Amazon is home to some of the world’s most important tropical peatlands. Here are some insights from scientists, businesses and policymakers working to save them.

Draining peatlands leads to greenhouse laughing gas emissions, study shows

When drained, peatlands don’t just release carbon into the atmosphere. They also emit massive amounts of nitrous oxide, as scientists discovered in 2018.

6 peatland heroes you should know

Are you joining us at GLF Peatlands? Here are six trailblazing speakers you’ll hear from.

How much do you know about peatlands?

Think you’ve soaked up all there is to know about peatlands? Take this short quiz to test your knowledge.




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