Augusta Dwyer


Augusta Dwyer is a freelance writer based in Toronto and the author of four books including “Into the Amazon: The Struggle for the Rainforest” and “Broke but Unbroken: Grassroots Social Movements and Their Radical Solutions to Poverty.” She has written for a wide variety of Canadian media and was awarded a Science in Society Award by the Canadian Science Writers Association in 1998.

By this writer

Tropical forest archaeologists are digging up new learnings from ancient Amazon Indigenous civilizations that can inform modern law.

Seven fundamental practices to guide investment in livestock and aquaculture to secure sustainable animal protein.

To lessen Scope 3 emissions across supply chains, experts encourage companies to boost financial incentives for smallholders.

Forests bring ample return on investment, but the windfall of forest finance needed to jumpstart restoration proves elusive.

Forest restoration at scale can happen best when broken into smaller pieces and mixed with other land-uses in mosaic landscapes.

Tree planting has become one of the most popular pathways to landscape restoration. But does it always work?

A powerful way to restore degraded forests is to let them heal themselves through natural regeneration – but it takes time.

A critical exploration of the benefits and challenges of different avenues of forest restoration.

In Africa and beyond, essences of colonialism in environmental conservation have become a human rights issue.

A lawyer speaks on the murders of Bruno Pereira and Dom Phillips, calling attention to the dangers of environmental defense.

The new Take Action toolkit makes investment opportunities easily navigable for individuals and organizations looking to sustainably invest.

Indigenous communities have sustainably managed Amazon land for centuries. Now, it should inform agricultural expansion in the future.

Activist and leader Selma Dealdina shares injustices against Brazil’s Afro-descendant communities.

Public development banks can play a vital role in promoting greater investment in biodiversity and nature-based solutions.

The Amazon biome is home to up to 30% of the world’s known species. Here’s all you need to know about the world’s most diverse ecosystem.