Augusta Dwyer


Augusta Dwyer is a freelance writer based in Toronto and the author of four books including “Into the Amazon: The Struggle for the Rainforest” and “Broke but Unbroken: Grassroots Social Movements and Their Radical Solutions to Poverty.” She has written for a wide variety of Canadian media and was awarded a Science in Society Award by the Canadian Science Writers Association in 1998.

By this writer

Activist and leader Selma Dealdina shares injustices against Brazil’s Afro-descendant communities.

Public development banks can play a vital role in promoting greater investment in biodiversity and nature-based solutions.

The Amazon biome is home to up to 30% of the world’s known species. Here’s all you need to know about the world’s most diverse ecosystem.

Of USD 30 billion, negligible amounts reach Indigenous communities managing nearly half the world’s non-Antarctic land, report finds.

New study links tree loss to rainfall patterns, and potentially damaging effects on the soy and cattle agribusiness sector.

In arid and desert regions of West Africa, AI has helped spot abundant tree growth that can support local lives and carbon stocks.

“Blue” carbon credits come bluest in Colombia’s Cispata mangroves, one of the most well-preserved mangrove forests in the Caribbean.

A boom in satellite mapping technology is significantly changing our data on landscapes, opening new doors for conservation and restoration.

The largely unknown archipelago in the middle of the Atlantic will host the fourth-largest marine protected area.

Scientists map and compare all of Earth’s landscapes to locate priority ecosystems and regions to restore, to receive greatest benefits.

New agricultural techniques are growing one of the world’s most ancient cereal crops, fonio, into a solution to hunger – and a food trend

How to plant trees using methods other than your hands? From drones to dogs to ‘cocoons,’ there are many ways to get seeds into the ground.

A new report assesses the main drivers of zooneses and how the knock-on effects of unstainable food systems can lead to future pandemics.

New soil 'library' uses spectroscopy technology to address the global food supply through advanced soil analysis.

Gender equity and land tenure are key to achieving sustainable landscapes, as is comprehensive and quality data for tracking what's happening.