Julie Mollins


Since 2013, Julie Mollins has served in various editorial and outreach roles with CGIAR-affiliated organizations, including as editor of Forests News for CIFOR-ICRAF, editor of Landscape News for the Global Landscapes Forum (GLF) and news editor and media manager for the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT). She also works in communications at the World Bank. Previously, she worked for Reuters in Toronto and London, the former Reuters Foundation humanitarian website AlertNet in London, and several national news and business publications in Canada.

By this writer

To feed a growing world population, we must reduce deforestation and restore abandoned and unproductive land, says a new report.

Uniting over biodiversity and defense of traditional landscapes

Centuries old Indigenous knowledge must be acknowledged and nurtured

Authors share concerns and vision of a more just future

“It’s as though Indigenous lands are being opened for business.”

A conversation with Todd Russell, President of NunatuKavut Community Council

U.N. Permanent Forum for Indigenous Issues highlights land rights challenges

U.N. forum on Indigenous issues concerned over policy changes in Brazil

Aims to address global crisis, says U.N. special rapporteur on rights of Indigenous Peoples

Alec Baldwin emcees session at U.N. Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues

Unprecedented opportunity to funnel funds to restore environmental equilibrium

Traditional knowledge and 'cosmo visions' vital for restoration

Aiming to keep Africa's food value chain local