Ming Chun Tang


Ming Chun Tang is the senior editor of ThinkLandscape.

By this writer

In the news: CO2 breaks 410 ppm, Amazon deforestation hits 12-year high, and U.K. universities receive billions in fossil fuel funding

From crowdfunding to mobile payments, digital technologies prove a formidable weapon for biodiversity in the Philippines.

In this news roundup: Banks harming biodiversity, farms fueling COVID mutations, and why the Pfizer vaccine means little to the Global South

In this news roundup: solar powers South Australia, baby bottles shed microplastics, and what the U.S. elections mean for biodiversity

Amazon turning into a savanna, Facebook ads spread climate denial, and the first gigafire hits California.

In this news roundup: 40% of plant species at risk of extinction, China pledges carbon neutrality by 2060, and mushroom coffins from Delft.

Zombie fires burn through the Arctic, Brazil turns a blind eye to Amazon deforestation, and SUVs threaten the climate more than ever.

Overlaps between environmental, racial and social justice movements are seeing intersectionality get etched into their missions.

In this Landscape News bi-weekly digest of climate news, a new world record temperature, and why the US should stay in the Paris Agreement.

Catch up on your climate news: ehighways expand, sleeper trains see a heyday, and France becomes home to the world’s biggest nuclear fusion project.

In this roundup of climate news, half of Oklahoma recognized as Native land, carbon dioxide at 15-million-year high, and biodiversity worth USD 10 trillion.

In this news roundup: Europe exporting toxic fuel to Nigeria, climate denialism reigns on Facebook, and Thai project turns fishing nets into face masks.

From renowned chefs Ada Parellada and Ska Moteane, two recipes based in sustainable grains sorghum and rice to whisk you away on culinary travels.

In this news roundup: new dates for COP 26, world’s largest electric aircraft takes off, and Extinction Rebellion meets Black Lives Matter