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Press briefings and media conferences will be held at two different sites at the University of Warsaw. Please check the schedule and details in this brochure. Questions? Contact us! Press briefings and media conferences will be held at two different sites at the University of Warsaw. Please check the schedule and details in this brochure. […]

MEDIA ADVISORY World leaders, experts to deliberate: Can we grow enough food for 9 billion people without destroying Earth’s forests and accelerating climate change? Journalists welcome to attend the Global Landscapes Forum at the University of Warsaw, Saturday and Sunday, 16-17 November. Go to Download PDF version One of the most vital events of its […]

The world’s climate is changing fast, and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future, no matter what measures we now take to reduce humankind’s impact on it. And as temperatures rise, rainfall patterns and amounts change, and pests and diseases find new ranges, the face of world agriculture will have to change too. […]

In many countries, economic expansion and population growth has led to an increased demand for houses and office buildings. And if there is one thing you need to build over here in Indonesia, then it is “a brick”. The link between “agriculture” and “brick making” might not be obvious at first, but if I were […]

Los jóvenes de las zonas rurales del Perú enfrentan una época difícil: la falta de oportunidades de empleo amenazan su calidad de vida, y la agricultura tradicional basada en el uso indiscriminado de productos agroquímicos en los cultivos no solo significa que nos estamos alimentando con productos llenos de químicos, sino que muchas veces representa […]

Un jeune agriculteur sénégalais demande un arrêt du phénomène de “landgrabbing” pour le future des pays Africaines. Contexte de l’agriculture en Afrique Au début des indépendances, l’Afrique au même titre que l’occident possédait des atouts provenant du secteur agricole pour assurer son développement. Mais au début des années 80, la détérioration des termes de l’échange, […]

People in the industrialized world reap the benefits of a well-connected and seamlessly functioning network of weather stations. Instant accessibility to real-time weather information guides society’s day-to-day decision making – from what clothes to wear, how to get to and from destinations, to what crops to plant. It’s difficult to imagine a world where a weekend weather […]

Important research released in recent years has highlighted numerous effects of crops being lost along the supply chain, ­ money is lost, food  supplies are lessened, and agricultural inputs such as water, energy, and labor are wasted. Yet, this partnership challenges us to zoom out to  see an even bigger picture. As postharvest losses disrupt […]

Community Conservation Across the world, areas with high or important biodiversity are often located within Indigenous peoples’ and local communities’ conserved territories and areas. Traditional and contemporary systems of stewardship embedded within cultural practices enable the conservation, restoration and connectivity of ecosystems, habitats, and specific species in accordance with indigenous and local worldviews. In spite […]

A display of the world’s leading landscapes-related publications. During the Global Landscapes Forum, an exhibition area will be provided at the event venue for selected institutions and agencies to display their publications related to landscapes – including sustainable forestry, agriculture and development as well as other land use and land management analyses taking a holistic […]