Thomas Hubert


By this writer

Local practices with the commons offer lessons for collectively managing “global commons” such as oceans and the sky. If neighboring villages can share pastures for the common good, why could the world’s nations not do the same with the atmosphere? With global challenges on climate and natural resource management forcing governments to act collectively, several […]

A holistic approach to sustainable land use adds an extra and important dimension to the global climate policy being shaped at COP21, speakers said at Sunday’s closing ceremony of the 2015 Global Landscapes Forum, held in Paris. The Forum brought together more than 3000 people from across the forestry, agriculture, finance and other sectors, in […]

With land use and livelihoods receiving unprecedented attention at the UNFCCC COP21 in Paris, proponents of an integrated approach to managing land use might well be feeling endorsed. But, as speakers at the 2015 Global Landscapes Forum in Paris warned today, achieving such sustainable land-use management will require massive amounts of investment. And those amounts […]

The Global Landscapes Forum: The Investment Case, held in London on June 10th, drew together the diverse worlds of finance and science. Investment bankers rubbed shoulders with agriculture and forestry researchers, as well as representatives from advocacy groups and government agencies, to create practical solutions to encourage investment in the environment through new innovative models […]

When trying to protect carbon stocks and biodiversity, the expression “to kill two birds with one stone” seems hardly appropriate. And indeed, it seems that the REDD+ stone isn’t hitting the dual targets of storing carbon and protecting wildlife, according to recent research from Indonesia. The new study indicates that it’s hard to find areas where […]