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On behalf of the German Ministry of Environment and the Ministry of Economic Cooperation, State Secretary Jochen Flasbarth pledges support.
The European Tropical Forest Research Network is interested in your work on zero deforestation commitments. What has worked, and what hasn’t?
Director Sustainable Finance for Bunge, Karla Canavan, speaks on the sidelines of the Global Landscapes Forum: The Investment Case, held on 6 June 2016 in London.
A Q&A with Pablo Pacheco, CIFOR’s Team Leader for Investments, Value Chains and Finance A lot of private sector investment today – in spite of all the capital – doesn’t seem to always reach smallholders. Any observations? That depends whose sector we’re looking at. I think there’s a large amount of smallholders that don’t have […]
Vibrant landscapes are not just beautiful to look at, they are productive and resilient. They provide the natural resources and ecosystem services that underpin economic activities like agriculture, mining, and energy, and are thus vital to national economies and the jobs and wellbeing of billions of people. However, in many areas across the globe, economic […]
On my most recent visit to Rwanda, it was evident that farmers there are beginning to do well. I have visited the country on a number of occasions over the past ten years, and each time I am impressed to see significant improvements in the lives of ordinary people. With average annual agricultural growth rates […]
The current and projected severe impacts of climate change in Africa make adaptation an urgent priority. While reducing greenhouse gas emissions is a vital task, the benefits will only emerge over time. Adaptation to the impacts of climate change is needed now as well as over the next few decades. But adaptation faces many challenges. […]
In addition to addressing climate finance, one of the main topics discussed at the Global Landscapes Forum: The Investment Case was decoupling deforestation from supply chains. “The Paris Agreement is significant because it brought forward the aspiration of staying below 2 degrees Celsius and put forests in the text,” said Marco Albani, Director of the Tropical Forest Alliance […]
Check out in-depth coverage of the Global Landscapes Forum 2016—The Investment Case, including shifting trends in private sector funding of landscapes.
Interest in investing in sustainability is on the rise. With the Paris Climate Agreement and the launch of the Sustainable Development Goals last year, the political demand to further sustainability across sectors and scales is stronger than ever- a fact that is reflected in current investment trends. Achim Steiner, executive director of the United Nations […]
This article is part of a special three-part series leading up to the Global Landscapes Forum 2016- The Investment Case. This one-day experts symposium – to be held in London on June 6- aims to accelerate investment in landscapes by connecting funds to farms and forests. There is little homogeneity in our world. This is true even among […]
Originally published by Yale Environment Review. Financial institutions like banks historically have played a critical role in the face of global challenges, from restructuring industry after World War II to the financing of the industrial revolutions. A new study argues that banks can play a similar role in helping society transition to a low-carbon footprint […]
It is widely acknowledged that reducing emissions from deforestation could bring about one-third of the greenhouse gas emission reductions we need by 2030 to stay on a 2-degrees trajectory. But protecting and managing forests wisely does not only make sense from a climate perspective. It is also smart for the economy. Forests are key economic […]