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Understanding nature’s fractals, the patterns the underpin everything from the distribution of galaxies to resilient ecosystems to the human heartbeat.
Coronavirus is causing carbon emissions to fall temporarily, but it could mark the start of longer-term changes needed to avert catastrophic climate change.
Across the Arctic Circle, the permafrost phenomena known as thermokarsts indicate the exposure of massive carbon sinks yet are hardly taken into account.
Head of climate for IKEA explains the multinational's lastest sustainability numbers and how its supply chain will capture more carbon than it emits.
A transition to a circular economy is necessary, but how is this achieved? A new report examines the roles and responsibilities of different countries.
In examining the Australian fires, experts share on how Indigenous knowledge, relocation and government aid should be incorporated into fire aid globally.
The extinction of the forest elephant in Central Africa would prevent 3 billion tons of carbon from being stored in forests.
2019's top Landscape News stories on sustainable finance, from explainers and glossaries to conversations with some of the world’s largest fund managers.
From a new BBC series to a black-and-white photo esssay of African lions, here are the top 10 Landscape News stories on biodiversity from 2019.
Top 10 stories on initiatives working behind the scenes to build and sustain livelihoods in harmony with nature.
From developments in plant-based meat technology to Indigenous recipes, here's our 10-item menu of the best stories on sustainable food.
From the adoption of a new U.N. Decade to efforts happening in local communities around the globe, here's our pick of 2019's top stories on restoration.
From explorer Taylor Rees to author Bill McKibben, here is Landscape News' best crop of 2019 stories on inspiring change-makers.
From sustainable sneakers to street artists in New York City, here's our pick of this year’s top stories on sustainable lifestyle.
Alongside the U.N. climate negotiations Madrid (COP 25), people take to the streets for the city's largest climate strike.