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This film follows a group of ten youth innovators, mentored by Dr Alan Nicol from the International Water Management Institute, as they devise a solution to landscapes challenges in the Nile Basin. The young professionals and researchers pitched their idea to a panel of judges in a Dragon’s Den style event at the Global Landscapes Forum […]
Getting answers to the right questions before any restoration intervention helps ensure effective and healthy ecosystem regeneration, especially in savannas and grassy biomes Many of the earth’s ecosystems are in need of restoration. Restoration can be used to regain the functionality of ecosystems, help protect areas from disaster (such as coastal flooding, avalanches), increase the […]
Moving beyond “zombie statistics”: land restoration and gender issues CGIAR has pledged in its latest Strategic and Results Framework (2016-2030) to contribute to the restoration of 190 million ha of degraded land. About 3.6 billion hectares were degraded over the 1982-2006 period. Land degradation occurred in both tropical and temperate regions and in rich and […]
Gertrude Kabusimbi Kenyangi of Uganda received the 2015 Wangari Maathai ‘Forest Champions’ Award. Ugandan forestry activist Gertrude Kabusimbi Kenyangi was awarded the 2015 Wangari Maathai ‘Forest Champions’ Award in recognition of her efforts to promote the conservation and sustainable use of her country’s forest resources. Given in recognition of outstanding efforts to improve and sustain […]
The latest episode of the Thrive podcast takes a close look at the ground beneath our feet. Soil, on which terrestrial life depends, is often ignored precisely because it is everywhere and yet invisible. Healthy soils contribute so much to human well-being, from nutritious food to clean water, and yet the soils of more than […]
A project to bring together ecosystem services, agricultural productivity, and smallholder livelihoods in landscape planning has been awarded an Innovation Fund grant from the CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems (WLE). The project is will be implemented in Peru, Kenya and Tanzania, it says on the WLE website. It is co-led by the […]
Originally published at Thomson Reuters Sustainability The author Tim Christophersen is Senior Programme Officer, Forests and Climate Change, at the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). UNEP is a coordinating partner of the Global Landscapes Forum and just joined forces with the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) to reforest 150 million hectares of land – […]
Provided by the World Business Council for Sustainable Development. Courtesy of: WBCSD forest solutions
A community-based program in India’s Himalayan region is preserving livelihoods and boosting incomes for women, youth and the more vulnerable segments of society, while serving as a model for other at-risk forest areas. Introducing a Livelihood Resource Centre (LRC) concept has the potential to enhance a sense of belonging among local the community for the […]
CIFOR — Forests got a boost this week after a U.N. advisory group proposed that global development targets should contain a provision for their protection, restoration and sustainable management. Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 15 recommends that the global community should “protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and […]
Across Asia, young people in rural areas are less likely to receive communication on climate change than their urban counterparts. This fact might not seem surprising; after all they’re also less likely to have access to the electricity necessary to power a television. But communication can amplify the voices and actions of innovators in rural […]
Focusing on carbon alone not enough to tackle emissions, deforestation: development expert WARSAW, Poland (20 November 2013) — Indonesia’s mission to cut carbon emissions through avoided deforestation can offer lessons to the rest of the world, a top official in the country’s development unit said — not least because focusing on carbon alone often falls […]
A display of the world’s leading landscapes-related publications. During the Global Landscapes Forum, an exhibition area will be provided at the event venue for selected institutions and agencies to display their publications related to landscapes – including sustainable forestry, agriculture and development as well as other land use and land management analyses taking a holistic […]