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At GLF Peatlands 2024, we gathered 1,200 people to explore innovative ways to protect the climate solution we forgot: peatlands.
On World Peatlands Day, brush up on your peatland knowledge with these 10 articles on our most oft-forgotten climate solution.
Peatlands are one of our most important climate solutions – and one of the most threatened. Here’s how we can protect them.
Boreal forest is the world’s largest terrestrial biome, but it’s now under threat from climate change. Here’s what we can do about it.
At GLF Peatlands 2024, find out how we can protect one of the world’s most powerful climate solutions. Here are six speakers you’ll hear from.
Celebrate World Bee Day 2024 with this quiz that will test your knowledge of these weird and wonderful insects.
Light pollution is losing us sleep, endangering wildlife – and not even keeping us safe at night. Here’s how we can change that.
Peatlands cover just 3% of the Earth’s land area, but they store more carbon than the world’s forests. Here’s all you need to know about them.
Model Forests are neutral forums where diverse people and groups can have a say in the governance of forest-based landscapes and watersheds.
Every year in March, Indigenous rangers team up with scientists and the Australian government to monitor and protect the great desert skink.
Climate change is exacerbating land and resource shortages, driving conflict around the world. Could landscape restoration be the answer?
How green are your clothes, really? The clothing industry is awash with greenwashing – but regulators are starting to crack down.
In Sri Lanka, fishers are being squeezed between economic turmoil and depleted fisheries. Here’s how environmental education could solve that.
Deforestation is plummeting in the Amazon rainforest – not only in Brazil, but also in Colombia, Peru and Bolivia. Here’s why.