Category: Rights

In a year of youth climate activism, meet five Indigenous youth leaders spearheading the intertwined charge for climate justice and Indigenous rights.

In New Zealand, myrtle rust is affecting some 50 native plant species. Scientist Nick Waipara explains how ancient Māori knowledge is helping combat it.

From seed saving to non-linear conceptions of time, ancient Indigenous knowledge continues to transform landscapes and livelihoods today.

A landscape approach aims to reconcile competing objectives for allocating and managing land to achieve social, economic and environmental success.

In this news roundup: Cambodia says no to U.S. trash, Greta Thunberg's new pop-rock hit, and how Pacific islands could morph to survive climate change

In the ‘Serengeti of Southeast Asia’, the Prey Lang smartphone app helps Indigenous communities in Cambodia expose and record illegal logging.

Our best summer reads: sustainable cities in Japan and Germany, activism in Fiji and South Africa, and showcasing the future of bamboo in China

In this news roundup: journalists tackle the climate crisis, Berlin makes public transport cheaper, and why one airline wants you to fly less.

Dutch conference illustrator Geert Gratama on putting words into images

News to know in our bi-weekly digest

Words of the wise from GLF Bonn 2019

Two poems from Inuk poet Aka Niviâna

Here's what happened at the Global Landscapes Forum Bonn 2019

Notes to know from rights-focused Global Landscapes Forum summit

Rights expert Alain Frechette speaks on the urgency of going for the gold