Category: Rights

Indigenous livelihoods at risk where land rights are unclear

Info on eligibility & submissions for the Paula Kantor Award for Excellence in Field Research in the fields of gender and women’s and girls’ empowerment.

During the Global Landscapes Forum’s first Pecha Kucha Style Night, seven presenters took the stage to share their stories in a new format. Each presenter could use 20 slides, for 20 seconds each – no breaks, no opportunity to switch between slides. Slides were restricted to images and graphs only, avoiding long texts and endless […]

Nearly 20 years ago, in 1996, the Namibian government granted rights to wildlife—elephants, black rhino, lion and many species of antelope—to newly formed community conservancies. Now, Namibia has 82 of these community conservancies, covering 20 percent of its territory. These community conservancies have generated work for several thousand local residents and revenue from tourist lodges […]

US President Barack Obama’s top science advisor will explore fresh ways to tackle energy challenges during a rigorous scientific debate, to be held at Columbia University in New York the day after the UN Climate Summit. John Holdren, a former Harvard professor and an expert on environment and technology policy, will be one of six international […]

In his keynote speech at the recent Forests Asia Summit, Peruvian environment minister and UNFCCC COP20 President calls for reframing the role of forests and landscapes in a new climate agreement. Forests and forested landscapes should not only be treated as means to an end based on their carbon mitigation services. He proposes looking at […]

Secure land rights are essential for improving the livelihoods of the poor and, more broadly, for economic development. In many emerging economies however, land remains a largely unprotected asset, one that lacks documented tenure and property rights. By Iris Krebber, Senior Land Policy Lead, DFID and Chair, Global Donor Group on Land, originally published on […]