
The evidence base is growing: strengthening women’s land rights contributes to women’s empowerment and household welfare. Evidence is also showing that women who have more secure land tenure are more likely to plant trees or make other investments to improve the land and generate ecosystem services. This means efforts to improve women’s land rights can […]

Speakers prepared more than 80 presentations for the 2015 Global Landscapes Forum. Here are the top 5, based on online views and downloads. 5. CIFOR’s REDD+ research   4. Climate change and land rights of indigenous peoples   3. The economics of ecosystems and biodiversity for agriculture and food   2. Governance, rights and the […]

Progress made towards creating sustainable practices around palm oil production won’t succeed without efforts in parallel to ensure supply chain transparency, experts at the Global Landscapes Forum have advised. ‘Up to 60% of palm oil companies are committed to sustainable practices, but there is a long way to go,’ said Annisa Rahmawati, a Forest Campaigner […]

Most people working in sustainable development are familiar with the ‘tragedy of the commons’ referring to when a group of individuals, all acting independently and in their own self-interest, deplete common resources to the detriment of a larger group. In the case of land, this means more depleted and degraded landscapes. But what if someone […]

When it comes to development and indigenous peoples, the story we so often hear is one of exploitation and conflict. At the Global Landscapes Forum – which ran in parallel with the climate summit in Paris in December – there were glimmers of a very different story emerging. At a discussion forum on Indigenous Peoples’ […]

What is the future for Indonesia and its landscapes?  The country is at an extraordinary moment.  Under the new populist government of Joko Widodo, huge areas of the country’s state lands, including some of the world’s largest remaining tropical rainforests and peatlands, may change hands in the next few years. Meanwhile, the recent forest fires […]