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Hook published an intriguing article on the Youth in Landscape Initiative. In this piece Grace Bayley and Shannan Sterne interviewed a some of the young innovators. These students included Henri from Belgium, Minase from Ethiopia and Oliver from Paris. One of their plans is to improve the fragile landscape in Ethiopia and river water quality. “It is important to […]
Imagine walking onto a stage in a room full of 200+ people, in front of a panel of renowned experts, and pitching a solution that you and a group of 10 peers from around the world developed in four short days. And you speak English as a second or third language. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JBB2cI4m5GE For four days, […]
Senior Director for Environment & Natural Resources Global Practice, World Bank, Paula Caballero, speaks at the thematic high-level session on “Resilient landscapes to reduce fragility, conflict and migration” on the second day of the 2015 Global Landscapes Forum in Paris, France, alongside COP21. In this session, experts in landscape management explore how to position the […]
With more than 4095 votes, the photo Tree of life by Jaya Setiawan Gulo is the audience choice in the 2015 Global Landscapes photo competition, winning US$ 1000. The photo with the second most votes is Mana: the last Indian village and collected less half as many votes: 1990. More than 150 amateur and professional photographers participated in this year’s […]
Local practices with the commons offer lessons for collectively managing “global commons” such as oceans and the sky. If neighboring villages can share pastures for the common good, why could the world’s nations not do the same with the atmosphere? With global challenges on climate and natural resource management forcing governments to act collectively, several […]
Over 100 organizations contributed to the 2015 Global Landscapes Forum, hosting discussions and press launches, presenting their work in pavilions and at side events. Also, environmental online platforms and specialised media outlets featured the Forum or certain aspects of it. The below gives an overview of how they reflected on the event on their website, […]
The Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) is pleased to be a founding partner of theInternational Partnership for Blue Carbon, announced by the Australian Minister for the Environment,Greg Hunt, at the 2015 Global Landscapes Forum in Paris on 6 December. “It is an enormous opportunity, as has been recognized here, for reducing emissions, for improving […]
Mark Tercek and Greg Fishbein from The Nature Conservancy shared their thoughts on the 2015 Global Landscapes Forum in The Huffington Post. They remind world politicians and other decision-makers of the benefits of natural systems for solving many of the problems of climate change these days. Protecting, restoring and improving how we manage the world’s forests, […]
A new online platform is now available to provide all existing and consolidated data on carbon emissions from tropical deforestation. The Global Forest Watch Climate (GFWC) web platform encourages users to explore and analyze carbon emissions across tropical forest landscapes, monitor trends in deforestation emissions through time, make comparisons, and identify and prioritize areas for […]
Before climate negotiators were huddled around tables debating the final changes to the 2015 Paris agreement, they were busy deliberating another contentious text: the Sustainable Development Goals. September 8, 2015, the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) officially replaced the Millennium Development Goals. While only one goal explicitly calls for “Clean Water and Sanitation,” most of […]
The Bonn Challenge is the biggest restoration project in history, shrouded in two myths that surround landscape restoration. The first is that it costs too much. The second is that with the race against climate change and an economic culture requiring quick returns, it simply takes too long. Evidence has shown, however, that actual change […]
The term landscape has become dominant in conversations about land use and sustainability. This was especially true at the Global Landscapes Forum, a weekend full of experts and attendees talking and thinking about landscapes. But what are we exactly talking about, what does the term include, where does it come from, and what is the […]
A value chain is what turns a plant into your latte. Value chains represent the transformation of raw materials into final products available on your grocery store shelves, and detail the value added at each stage in the production process. Visualize the journey of traditional ‘farm-to-fork’ agricultural items; for example, taking an Indian-grown mango and […]
What are ecosystem services? The concept can be explained using a simple example. If you go and buy a wooden chair for 60 Euros, you’re agreeing that it is worth the 60 Euro price set both by the vendor and the market. Ecosystem services deal with nature’s services such as watershed maintenance or carbon sequestration from which […]
Small-scale, yet confident, baby steps at home can lead to larger-scale sustainable climate action. Sub-national authorities’—regions, states, provinces and municipalities—actions to address the impacts of climate change and implement their own INDCs (Intended Nationally Determined Contributions) in many countries can be models of change from which national governments could learn. Local actors and local-level planning […]