
Watch this high-level session on the second day of the Global Landscapes Forum 2015, in Paris, France alongside COP21. The session discusses practical options to redesign fiscal instruments to be more conducive to sustainable rural economic development as well as country approaches to make this happen. There are major challenges to meet increased demand for […]

Watch this high-level session on the second day of the Global Landscapes Forum 2015, in Paris, France alongside COP21. The session discusses the practical requirements for implementing gender-sensitive land restoration; in an effort to get beyond the usual rhetoric on gender issues. The gender dialogue brings diverse and constructive points of view to bear on […]

Watch this high-level session on the second day of the Global Landscapes Forum 2015, in Paris, France alongside COP21. How can we make progress on a new global climate deal without the ability to accurately measure emissions from deforestation and land use change around the world? What is the role of the communities, companies, and […]

A new report released on 9 December at the COP21 Paris Climate Conference, presents a scientifically validated process to assess the green credentials of products made from bamboo. It shows how items made from this versatile plant can be carbon-neutral – or even carbon-negative – over their lifecycle. This is a tool that producers can […]

Watch this Discussion Forum on the second day of the Global Landscapes Forum 2015, in Paris, France alongside COP21. Land use change, deforestation and agricultural production represent a fourth of global GHG-emissions, and a third of achievable global mitigation by 2030. This session discusses how remote sensing and land use modeling can help REDD+ countries […]

Watch this Discussion Forum on the second day of the Global Landscapes Forum 2015, in Paris, France alongside COP21. In recent years, land restoration has gained increased attention in the international climate regime because of its potential role in mitigating climate change. Moreover, there is increasing recognition of the adaptation needs in global agriculture. Many […]

Watch this Discussion Forum on the second day of the Global Landscapes Forum 2015, in Paris, France alongside COP21. This session looks at the performance and results achieved by the Amazon Fund and by the supported projects underway in the Brazilian Amazon, within the policy framework provided, especially the Brazilian government’s Action Plan for the […]

Watch this Discussion Forum on the second day of the Global Landscapes Forum 2015, in Paris, France alongside COP21. This session focuses on experiences that link land tenure and the procedural rights of stakeholders to participate in programs, the role of equity and rights considerations in the design of benefit distribution mechanisms, and low cost […]

Watch this Discussion Forum on the first day of the Global Landscapes Forum 2015, in Paris, France alongside COP21. The session provides a platform for debating how the landscape approach can contribute to the sustainable management of land and water resources. Is there scope for an integrated landscape approach to contribute to optimised watershed and […]

Watch this Discussion Forum on the first day of the Global Landscapes Forum 2015, in Paris, France alongside COP21. Increasing food production while safeguarding natural ecosystems, climate and the provision of ecosystem services is now one of the biggest scientific, social and political challenges of our time. Forest restoration is a strategy to mitigate climate […]

Watch this Discussion Forum on the first day of the Global Landscapes Forum 2015, in Paris, France alongside COP21. Achieving food security is one of the essential components of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This session raises awareness and understanding of the link between climate change and economic policies related to poverty, nutrition and agricultural […]

A holistic approach to sustainable land use adds an extra and important dimension to the global climate policy being shaped at COP21, speakers said at Sunday’s closing ceremony of the 2015 Global Landscapes Forum, held in Paris. The Forum brought together more than 3000 people from across the forestry, agriculture, finance and other sectors, in […]