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I came to my third Global Landscapes Forum (GLF15) to present a prototype ecosystem services transaction tool we are developing, but more importantly to gain new insights about how our company, Nature Services Peru, can work to make Peru a country where people live well, in harmony with nature. We know that human pressures on […]
Four years ago in Bonn, world leaders set a goal of restoring 150 million hectares of deforested and degraded lands by 2020. By the start of the UNFCCC COP21, commonly known as the Paris Climate Change Conference, 20 countries had pledged to restore a total of 60 million hectares, about the area of Spain and […]
When the fires broke out in Indonesia this past year—driven at least partially, though not entirely, by El Nino—blame for the crisis was pointed at a whole host of figures. During a jam-packed session on Zero-Deforestation Commitments at the Global Landscapes Forum in Paris, France, in which three of the panelists were Indonesian, the topic […]
“The world has never had such strong evidence of the role of indigenous peoples in conserving the forests that represent the one existing solution to climate change,” said Abdon Nababan, secretary general of the Indigenous Peoples Alliance of the Archipelago, an Indonesian NGO. This is a quote from an article, published on SciDevNet on a study presented during […]
Part 1 of “From farmers’ fields to landscapes”, a side event at the 2015 Global Landscapes Forum hosted by CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) and the Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA). The event consisted of three interrelated sessions on ensuring food security under climate change through […]
Part 2 of “From farmers’ fields to landscapes”, a side event at the 2015 Global Landscapes Forum hosted by CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) and the Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA). The event consisted of three interrelated sessions on ensuring food security under climate change through […]
COP21 has seen rich countries and global financial institutions promise a raft of investments for reforestation and sustainable agriculture in developing countries. The UK, Germany, and Norway pledged $5 billion in total over a 5-year period to support initiatives in countries that can prove their commitment to sustainable agendas. Colombia has announced that it will […]
Part 3 of “From farmers’ fields to landscapes”, a side event at the 2015 Global Landscapes Forum hosted by CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) and the Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA). The event consisted of three interrelated sessions on ensuring food security under climate change through policies, […]
Part 4 of “From farmers’ fields to landscapes”, a side event at the 2015 Global Landscapes Forum hosted by CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) and the Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA). The event consisted of three interrelated sessions on ensuring food security under climate change through […]
Discussion Forum at the Global Landscapes Forum 2015, in Paris, France alongside COP21. Fuel wood is and will remain an important pillar within the energy mix in Sub-Sahara Africa and constitutes a huge potential for the economy at all scales. Its link to food and nutrition security is critical: 50% of forest degradation and 10–20% […]