Meet 3️⃣ new GLFx chapters joining us from Latin America and the Caribbean!

From Brazil 🇧🇷, GLFx Zág Xokleng works to reforest and preserve traditional knowledge around the #Araucaria tree, known as Zág, currently threatened by exploitation and landscape degradation.

Based in Peru 🇵🇪, GLFx Pichis-Pachitea follows the cosmovision of #Indigenous Peoples living in the #Amazon rainforest to strengthen regional development processes and ecosystem conservation.

GLFx Carriacou, located in Grenada 🇬🇩, combines #YouthAction, senior policy advice, & #tech-based innovations to restore & protect marine ecosystems, foster coastal landscape management and disaster risk management.

Let’s welcome these restoration champions into the GLFx community!


Meet 3️⃣ new GLFx chapters joining us from Latin America and the Caribbean! From Brazil 🇧🇷, GLFx Zág Xokleng works to reforest and preserve traditional knowledge around the #Araucaria tree, known as Zág, currently threatened by exploitation and landscape degradation. Based in Peru 🇵🇪, GLFx Pichis-Pachitea follows the cosmovision of #Indigenous Peoples living in the #Amazon rainforest to strengthen regional development processes and ecosystem conservation. GLFx Carriacou, located in Grenada 🇬🇩, combines #YouthAction, senior policy advice, & #tech-based innovations to restore & protect marine ecosystems, foster coastal landscape management and disaster risk management. Let’s welcome these restoration champions into the GLFx community! #ActLandscape