
Originally posted on CIFOR’s Forests News: By Thomas Hubert. BOGOR, Indonesia: If a tree falls in the rain forest, do investors care if it really fell ….or was it chopped? More investors than ever before do care about how and why a tree hits the forest floor. And for public and private investment sectors, there are sophisticated ways […]

PlantNation is an on-line community website by the New Generation Plantations (NGP) – created to provide exposure to new voices in the plantation debate, where fictional stories complemented by interviews, give the starting point for creative quest for answers.

Originally posted on CIFOR’s Forests News blog By Peter Holmgren, Director General of the Centre for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) As we look to the Sustainable Development Goals and the new climate deal as mechanisms to secure our future on the planet, it is obvious that many of the pressing challenges facing humanity are found […]

By Clément Chenost, co-founder and technical director of the Moringa fund. Over the past 5 years, coffee production in Brazil and Central America has been severely affected by droughts and the leaf rust disease. In Nicaragua, a drop of nearly 40% was observed in coffee production in 2012-13, leading to serious social and economic impacts and […]

By Gabrielle Kissinger, consultant at UNEP UN-REDD Programme Indonesian palm oil production is recognized as a driver of deforestation and source of considerable greenhouse gas emissions, particularly in peat-rich areas. But what are the real drivers for palm oil producers—both large and small—to expand production into forests? Clearly market demand has a role to play, […]

Safeguards are central to the success of REDD+. Yet, progress has been slow in most countries, with some notable exceptions. In the current debate, it is often overlooked that sound REDD+ safeguards could benefit developing countries beyond climate mitigation by boosting investor confidence and attracting private and public investments into sustainable land-use. By Tim Christophersen, […]

Originally posted on CIFOR’s Forests News blog By Thomas Hubert. LONDON, England:  The pieces of the sustainable landscape investment puzzle have very jagged edges, and moves are under way to make all those rough edges fit. One piece lies with the direct custodians of forests and agricultural land who need money to improve their practices […]

Originally posted on CIFOR’s Forests News blog The forests of Riau were rich with sound when Andjar Rafiastanto first visited the central Sumatran province in 1998. The calls of black-furred gibbons echoed through the trees, along with the chatter of hornbills, Sumatran peacock pheasants and dozens of other bird species. But the widespread establishment of oil […]

Originally posted on CIFOR’s Forests News blog In a region where there is a still relatively high incidence of illiteracy, very localized languages and dialects and remote settlements, communicating information can be a challenge. And there’s an urgent need to transfer lifesaving information in the Congo Basin – about the effects and prevention of climate […]

One of the most innovative approaches within the CGIAR Research Program on Forests, Trees and Agroforestry (FTA) is the development of a set of ‘sentinel landscapes’, i.e. a geographic area which is bound by a common issue. A new brochure features sentinel landscapes and other important elements of this research program that unites over 230 […]

Originally posted on CIFOR’s Forests News blog By Thomas Hubert The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is home to the second-largest single block of forest in the world, and its forests make up two-thirds of the Congo Basin forest area. Researchers have often concluded that slash-and-burn agriculture and biomass production are two of the most […]

Originally posted on UN-REDD Blog Contribution of forests to Zambia’s economy higher than currently reflected in GDP: Forest economic valuation and accounting can strengthen national REDD+ processes You can’t manage what you don’t measure! While this certainly relates to establishing forest reference (emission) levels and national forest monitoring systems in order to measure periodic progress against a benchmark, one […]

The Tropical Landscapes Summit in Jakarta concentrated on sustainable development. Bringing together government, private sector and NGOs the summit discussed economic action that needs to be taken in the fight against climate change.  

  For sustainable landscapes, fostering green businesses with private sector investments was a key topic during this week’s two-day event Tropical Landscapes Summit 2015 in Jakarta. CIFOR scientists and communicators participated in the event and produced a video wrap (see above) and three blog posts for CIFOR’s Forests News Blog, summarizing key messages and observations. Check out the blogs by clicking below: Day […]