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Making the Global Landscapes Forum 2014 carbon-neutral – that was the goal, when South Pole Carbon, leading developer of emission reduction projects (Voluntary Carbon Market Survey 2014), has agreed to support an offset project for reforestation in Colombia to make up for the Forum’s CO2 emissions. The project chosen for this occasion is located in […]
“Global youth are key stakeholders and future leaders of society, and they need to be given the platform and to actively take the opportunity to set up the agenda for the future.” Unfortunately, not everyone can come to Peru for this year’s Global Landscapes Forum youth session. But we still want to give you an opportunity […]
We are thrilled to announce a highly esteemed group of panelists for the Dragon’s Den as part of the Global Landscapes Forum youth session. The panelists will provide honest and constructive feedback to the four pitches/recommendations created during each of the Youth Session roundtable discussions. With expertise ranging from policy to science and climate change […]
A boon for capacity building on REDD+: 13 expert presentations on REDD+ have come out of the first REDD+ Academy session for the Asia-Pacific region, hosted by the Government of Indonesia in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Starting with an introduction to REDD+ the presentations also cover topics such as safeguards, monitoring systems and governance (see below). The is now available online on […]
A landscapes approach is ideal when it comes to integrating measures of both climate change adaptation and mitigation. This is one of the key take-aways from a video discussion between two Scientists at the Center for International Forestry Research: Terry Sunderland, Principal Scientist with CIFOR’s Forests and Livelihoods program, and Giacomo Fedele, one of CIFOR’s […]
Can we rely on large-scale land interventions to fulfil their promises? How can we better understand and influence investments for large-scale land interventions in areas where agriculture is a critical land use? These are questions for an online conversation, the the CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems (WLE); the Landscapes for People, Food and […]
The time is now for bold action to shoulder the challenge of Zero Hunger and ensure adequate nutrition for all, FAO Director-General José Graziano da Silva said today in closing remarks to the Second International Conference on Nutrition (ICN2), organized by FAO and WHO. “Malnutrition is the number one cause of disease in the world,” […]
Originally posted at Bioversity International The European Forest Genetic Resources Programme (EUFORGEN) turns 20. In celebrating this important milestone, the programme has launched a short film that reflects on some achievements and explains why continued regional collaboration on forest genetic resources is needed. “The recent achievements of EUFORGEN, notably the EUFGIS Portal and the pan-European […]
Amidst a changing climate, deforestation due to conversion of lands into various uses contributes to almost 17-20% of greenhouse gas emissions. One way or another, we all are part of the problem, however, at the Global Landscape Forum in Lima, we’re turning the tables by being part of the solution. We want to hear your thoughts […]
By Mark Foss, originally published at CIFOR’s Forests News It’s time to get serious about the social dimensions of REDD+ projects, say the authors of a new study. The paper, published recently in the journal Forests, surveys the evolution of multi-level policy frameworks to develop “social safeguards” for REDD+ — an international policy mechanism to offer incentives for developing countries […]
T20Q, a project run by the Evidence-Based Forestry initiative, is calling for people around the world to cast their votes in the project’s second phase, launched on 14 November. The project aims to identify 20 key research and policy questions for forestry and landscapes, as written and selected by the general public, with the goal of […]
At the Global Landscapes Forum’s Youth Session, Ivonne Lobos Alva and Ayesha Constable will be facilitating a discussion on “landscapes and the Post-2015 Agenda.” Global youth are key stakeholders and future leaders of society, and they need to be given the platform and to actively take the opportunity to set up the agenda for the […]
The World Parks Congress 2014 in Sydney, Australia, has drawn attention to the problems of indigenous peoples and protected areas and to the nexus of food security and protected areas. The organizer of the World Parks Congress, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), said in a press release that significant work remains to be done, particularly […]
Consumers around the world are expressing high expectations for the quality of products they consume. More than at any other point in history, we prefer goods produced in an ethical and environmentally-friendly fashion. Young people are increasingly likely to consider the “social and environmental ethics of brands”. While consumers demand these standards, actual implementation of […]
By Georgina Smith, originally published at CIAT Wielding a hammer, John Kabola steps back and surveys his day’s work. The quarry cut into the hills of Kenya’s Upper Tana watershed reveals deep layers of earth like a sliced cake. Quarry stones are in demand – the construction industry is thriving. That’s good news for Kabola, […]