
Rajendra Pachauri, chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), will deliver a keynote address at the inaugural CGIAR Development Dialogues in New York on September 25. He has led the IPCC since 2002 and is associated with multiple academic and research institutes. As one of the world’s leading climate scientists, he has also spoken out about the crucial role […]

Photo: Jarle Refsnes/Flickr The connection between the changing climate and the world’s forests will be a key theme at the Global Landscape Forum during the UNFCCC COP 20 in Lima on 6-7 December this year. Timely enough, new research now supports a link between climate change and forest fires. Climate change is expected to contribute to […]

Originally published at Thomson Reuters Sustainability The author Tim Christophersen is Senior Programme Officer, Forests and Climate Change, at the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). UNEP is a coordinating partner of the Global Landscapes Forum and just joined forces with the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) to reforest 150 million hectares of land – […]

Manuel Pulgar-Vidal is a passionate speaker on environmental issues and a supporter of CIFOR’s landscape approach. On September 25, Peru’s Minister of State for Environment and UNFCCC COP20 President will deliver a keynote address at the inaugural CGIAR Development Dialogues in New York. On December 6-7, his ministry is hosting the Global Landscapes Forum that will take […]

The World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), a partner of the Global Landscapes Forum, is participating in a Field Dialogue on Changing Outlooks for Food, Fuel, Fiber and Forests (4Fs) in Finland from 2-5 September. The WBCSD has recently visualized the pressure on forests world wide through increasing resources need. A sub-group of the Council brings together major corporate players […]

Provided by the World Business Council for Sustainable Development. Courtesy of: WBCSD forest solutions

A community-based program in India’s Himalayan region is preserving livelihoods and boosting incomes for women, youth and the more vulnerable segments of society, while serving as a model for other at-risk forest areas. Introducing a Livelihood Resource Centre (LRC) concept has the potential to enhance a sense of belonging among local the community for the […]

Resurrecting ponds in the landscape

CIFOR — Forests got a boost this week after a U.N. advisory group proposed that global development targets should contain a provision for their protection, restoration and sustainable management. Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 15 recommends that the global community should “protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and […]

This blog was originally posted on the blog of Felix Dodds, a fellow at the Global Research Institute at University of North Carolina and an associate fellow at the Tellus Institute in Boston, Massachusetts. The opinions expressed are his own. There is, I think, complete consensus among governments and stakeholders that the two co-chairs of the Open […]

This year’s Forum explores the role of landscapes in the future climate and development agenda. In this short video, Forum hosts Peter Holmgren of CIFOR, Achim Steiner of UNEP, and Peruvian Environment Minister Manuel Pulgar-Vidal invite organizations and individuals to be part of this event. Learn more about the Forum and how to get involved […]

In his keynote speech at the recent Forests Asia Summit, Peruvian environment minister and UNFCCC COP20 President calls for reframing the role of forests and landscapes in a new climate agreement. Forests and forested landscapes should not only be treated as means to an end based on their carbon mitigation services. He proposes looking at […]

The Elinor Ostrom Award on Collective Governance of the Commons Council opens the call to members of the International Association for the Study of the Commons in good standing or of one of the Institutional Supporters of the Award to nominate outstanding scholars or practitioners in those fields to receive the Elinor Ostrom Award on […]

Bioversity International is featured on Food Tank’s 2014 Earth Day list. For this year’s Earth Day, Food Tank highlights influential individuals and organizations who are working to promote urban agriculture and encourage investment in growing cities. Earth Day is an important opportunity to highlight solutions to some of the world’s most pressing environmental and social […]

A photo competition in the lead-up to the Forests Asia Summit highlights the multiple benefits Asia’s forest landscapes provide for people and nature. More than 150 pictures have already been accepted and are up for voting – join the competition and cast your vote now.