
I am Mmakgabo Confidance Mapotse. I was born and raised in the dusty, rural province of Limpopo in the Republic of South Africa. Currently, I am pursuing a Bachelor of Science Degree in Biotechnology and Botany at the University of Limpopo, and my university study, coupled with my enthusiasm to innovate, have sparked my interest […]

Food security is not only the amount of food we eat, but also the level of nutrition it provides. We are what we eat – and agriculture can play a crucial role in making the food we eat more nutritious and us, in turn, a healthier population. When coordinated with efforts from other sectors, such […]

The rate of unemployment among youths in Nigeria is growing at an alarming rate. Most youths prefer to settle for white collar jobs rather than work in agriculture. Agriculture is usually seen as something that poor and rural people do. There is an urgent need for reorientation and building Nigerian youths’ capacity towards the agriculture […]

Artisanal mining causes serious environmental damage through water contamination with heavy metals like mercury and cyanide, deforestation, soil erosion and siltation. Because of this, artisanal mining has been criminalized in Zimbabwe. However, the criminalization of artisanal mining has failed to stop the activity of an estimated 500,000 artisanal miners extracting gold, diamonds, tantalite and chrome […]

“Slow Food Youth Germany” is a group of young activists from diverse disciplines and backgrounds that are actively involved in their communities to create a better food system. One of the focuses of our work is putting on fun and interactive events to make consumers more aware of the issues affecting our food system and […]

While more and more Nigerian youth are encouraged today with hopes of a profitable career in agriculture, there is little discussion about the challenges awaiting them if they do decide to hop in. From the very beginning, they face huge financial hurdles – the nation’s banks and financial houses are not likely to fund agri-projects […]

Clad in old worn-out clothing, armed with a spear and trapping net, the local poacher descends onto the mangrove forest looking for whatever luck will hand him, whether a monitor lizard or meat bird. He does not know he is chopping off the very branch supporting him. That branch is the ecosystem of deltas and […]

Avec une superficie estimée à 6700 Kilomètres carrés, Messamena est un des quatorze arrondissements du département du Haut-Nyong, région de l’Est du Cameroun. Cette localité se trouve à 200 kilomètres de Yaoundé (via Akonolinga). Elle est reliée à la capitale Yaoundé par une route en partie bitumée (114 kilomètres) d’une part ; et carrossable (86 […]

Unemployment and poverty are some of the major challenges facing today’s youth.   As a substantial number of youth live in rural areas, agriculture becomes a significant sector that provides access to employment and food. The situation is evident in Sub-Saharan Africa, where more than half of population, mainly youth -today and in the future- will […]

Currently the polls are open for over 150 youth speakers from around the world to present their experiences at the Youth Session for the Global Landscapes Forum (GLF). This is in response to a call for submissions by the Young professional’s Platform for Agricultural Research and Development (YPARD) as they seek have greater youth involvement […]

On October 30, we held a live Twitter chat with UNFCCC negotiator Tony La Viña, a forestry expert from the Philippines. The online public was able to ask questions live. They are summarized below, together with Tony’s answers. [View the story on Storify] With thanks to Tony La Viña and Purple Romero. This summary is […]

It is difficult to convince a person who has spent their entire life in internally displaced persons camps to participate in environmental conservation activities. Orphans growing up during war and relying only on food rations. Traumatized people returning home and looking at trees only in terms of the products they can gain from them. People […]

Rainfall in Kenya’s Kerio Valley can be a dangerous thing. Hurtling down from the sky, it hits the ground and steals the fertile soil away, running down the Kerio River and to bottom of Lake Kamnarok where the soil is lost forever. As a young naïve boy growing up in Kenya, I witnessed the devastating […]

Sithembile Mwamakamba will be moderating Youth: The future of Sustainable Landscapes to be held at the Global Landscapes Forum at 9am CET November 16, 2013. More details at   If you can’t make it to Warsaw, watch the event online at Last year the United Nations Conference on Sustainable also known as Rio+20 concluded with a big package of commitments for action by world leaders and outcome document entitled “The Future We Want”. But in […]