
GLF Live with AFR100 expert Bernadette Arakwiye on the initiative's intersection with commodities and food supply.

This investment in AFR100 could restore 20 million hectares of land by 2026, bringing benefits worth USD 135 billion to 40 million people

Azaria Kilimba’s pioneering work in community forest conservation has seen half a million hectares reclaimed for nature.

A restoration project in the Congo Basin forests is bringing degraded land back into productivity, fueled by research.

Experts have called for evidence-based approaches and community engagement to grow forests across Africa and improve livelihoods.

Linking local and global restoration efforts at day two of the Global Landscapes Forum Accra

The Global Landscapes Forum in Accra, Ghana, on 29-30 October 2019 focused on local African restoration initiatives across the continent.

Here's what happened at the fourth annual partnership meeting of the African Forest Landscape Restoration Initiative (AFR100) held in Accra, Ghana.

In the fallout of unsustainable logging in the DRC, locals begin replanting

10 fast facts on the sub-Saharan African country

New album uses art's force to mobilize masses for change

General Assembly agrees to urgently address global challenges through restoration

Looking to youth for change

Linking commitments, bringing in the private sector