
A new report assesses the main drivers of zooneses and how the knock-on effects of unstainable food systems can lead to future pandemics.

In this news roundup: global carbon emissions down 17%, virtual conferences go mainstream, and locusts wreak havoc in India

Red panda numbers have dropped by half since 1998 – and thanks to human encroachment, the elusive species is at risk of going extinct entirely.

New research examines what genetic resemblances among primates means in the context of pandemics, and why this sounds alarm bells for great apes.

In examining the Australian fires, experts share on how Indigenous knowledge, relocation and government aid should be incorporated into fire aid globally.

From a new BBC series to a black-and-white photo esssay of African lions, here are the top 10 Landscape News stories on biodiversity from 2019.

A new report from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development presents a business case for governments to protect biodiversity through taxes.

17 years of footage from wildlife photographer Laurent Baheux show the "king of animals" in its native – and disappearing – habitat.

Scientists identify the top research questions needing answers in preventing biodiversity loss and aiding conservation in the region.

Efforts to restore the Earth's degraded ecosystems, from forests to oceans, rises as a solution to climate change at the Global Landscapes Forum NYC 2019.

In this news roundup: Cambodia says no to U.S. trash, Greta Thunberg's new pop-rock hit, and how Pacific islands could morph to survive climate change

From king penguins to leopards, an extensive display of biodiversity in UNESCO's World Heritage Site additions this year.

The region’s countries could gain 19 million hectares of forests by 2050 if all goes well – or they could end up losing 5 million hectares.

In this news roundup: journalists tackle the climate crisis, Berlin makes public transport cheaper, and why one airline wants you to fly less.

Experts discuss how to build on momentum from climate movement