
New organic certification mechanisms are needed to make their costs worth the benefits to local growers around the world.

Farmers receive new technology for proof of their land management

Making supply and demand more sustainable

Soya: a hot commodity The soya industry is booming across the world. Since April 2011 the global production of soya has risen 35% in response to widespread demand for the hardy, protein-rich bean. It may come as a surprise to some that it is a common ingredient in chocolate and soap, in addition to its […]

Most people want to do the right thing in life. But sometimes doing what’s right can be costly or inconvenient. So additional incentives are needed to encourage good behavior. Nowhere is this more apparent than in the palm oil industry. Producing palm oil sustainably requires producers to, among other things, reduce biodiversity loss and deforestation, […]

Internationally traded agricultural commodities – such as soy, beef and oil palm – are a multi-billion-dollar segment of the global economy and play a key role in driving development across the tropics. But production of these commodities is often linked to heavy social and environmental impacts.  This is the case for most of the Latin […]