
Global Evergreening Alliance CEO Christopher Armitage on how agroforestry can both feed a growing population and restore the planet’s degraded landscapes.

New methods of growing rice can increase yields by up to 200 percent, while reducing water use and greenhouse gas emissions.

Diversifying cacao’s DNA could preserve its future

At the GLF we have been empowering women to be be bold and take leadership in creating the beautiful, equitable and sustainable landscapes of tomorrow.

Originally published by World Agroforestry Centre.  Rural farmers in many parts of the world are already using ‘smart’ agricultural practices like intercropping, agroforestry and rainwater harvesting. But what if those practices benefitted the livelihoods and landscapes of millions more? Climate-smart agriculture, the raft of sustainable agricultural practices designed to help farmers overcome hunger, adapt to […]

Joseph Zulu never uses the term “climate-smart agriculture,” even as he proudly points out the fertilizer trees he planted between rows of crops on his field in Zambia’s eastern province. But whether he uses the term or not, Zulu is a wonderful example of how climate-smart agriculture can be incorporated into traditional farming environments. Fertilizer […]

Food security can’t wait and neither can decisive action on climate change FAO reported in its publication “State of Food Insecurity in the World 2015” last June that the number of hungry people has dropped to 12.9%. This is certainly good news, but at the same time, the absolute numbers are still staggering; 795 million […]

 Researchers outline the current state of climate-smart agriculture in West Africa. Agriculture plays a key role in the economic development of West African countries. By directly providing employment and income to about 70% of the population, agriculture is the engine of West African economies. It is also the backbone of food security for rural and […]

SAMPLES is a framework which aims to fill the gap in current greenhouse gas emissions monitoring in tropical developing countries. Climate change is a hot topic in Paris this year. The City of Light not only hosted the Our Common Future Under Climate Change science conference in June, it will also be anchoring the United […]

The second photo-film of a two-part series, “The Ground Beneath Your Feet,” was launched during the 2015 Global Soil Week, where CIAT was highlighting the importance of soil, debating the latest science and technology as well as methods for preserving this vital natural resource. In Lushoto, Tanzania, a cluster of CCAFS climate-smart villages nestle in the stunning Eastern Arc Mountains, stretching between Tanzania and […]

By Sarah Carter (Wageningen University / CIFOR), With contributions from Arild Angelsen, Martin Herold, Hambulo Ngoma, Rosa María Román-Cuesta, Mariana Rufino, Niki De Sy, and Beatriz Zavariz. At the Global Landscape Forum in Lima, Peru in December 2014, scientists working on the links between REDD+ and Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) presented results of their research. […]