
What are the main threats to biodiversity – and how can we tackle them? Here’s all you need to know about protecting the planet’s species.

None of the Aichi Targets have been fully achieved – but the new Post-2020 Biodiversity Framework aims to address their shortcomings.

Scientists map and compare all of Earth’s landscapes to locate priority ecosystems and regions to restore, to receive greatest benefits.

Health professions, finance and landscape custodians are called to the forefront in biodiversity policy recommendations issued by the GLF.

The Midori Prize winner and Global Youth Biodiversity Network co-founder answers four questions – and gives three essential pieces of advice.

Seminal UN biodiversity report assesses rate of biodiversity loss and progress on Aichi Biodiversity Targets upon their deadline.

Producer Rupert Barrington reflects on 2 years documenting the world's reigning animal families