Tag: drylands

From the Sahel to the Sahara and from ancient cities to gleaming beaches, here's a photo journey across African landscapes and their eight distinct regions.

Efforts to restore the Earth's degraded ecosystems, from forests to oceans, rises as a solution to climate change at the Global Landscapes Forum NYC 2019.

What exactly are peatlands and rangelands? Here’s all you need to know about the planet’s major ecosystems, the challenges they face, and why they matter.

A quick rundown on our planet’s ecosystems

From melting glaciers to drought to diplomacy, a briefing

Countries progress on regional issues at Central Asia Climate Change Conference

A primer on five countries’ conditions in climate change

Tony Rinaudo’s uses what lies beneath to turn drylands into forests

Burkinabe farmer and Right Livelihood winner Yacouba Sawadogo

The Great Green Wall will surround the Sahara with a wide belt of vegetation, trees and bushes to green and protect the region's agricultural landscape.

Rising temperatures and more extreme, unpredictable climate events are making sustainable livelihoods tough for many people living in semi-arid regions of the world. To adapt, local communities, and especially farmers, use different strategies and responses. Research in India and Africa shows that achieving sustained and equitable adaptation requires a number of things. It is critical […]