
As India marks 50 years of Project Tiger, its growing wild tiger population is triggering human–tiger conflict and land use debates.

Scientists are moving ahead with de-extinction, with the hope that bygone animals can aid modern landscape restoration.

With possibly 1 million species facing extinction, biodiversity loss is a moral issue, not just a natural part of evolution.

The number of North Atlantic right whales dying from human-related causes has spiked due to the downstream effects of global warming

Global assessment aims to catalogue all tree species and their conservation status in order to inform restoration action.

None of the Aichi Targets have been fully achieved – but the new Post-2020 Biodiversity Framework aims to address their shortcomings.

From a new BBC series to a black-and-white photo esssay of African lions, here are the top 10 Landscape News stories on biodiversity from 2019.

Thousands of species are becoming increasingly endangered due to human activity, according to the latest update to the IUCN Red List.

What is natural? What is artificial? It is often assumed that natural is better than artificial. Getting back to nature is something we should aspire to, with kids in particular not spending enough time in nature. But if you want to escape civilisation and head into the unaltered wilderness you may be in for a […]

In the shady recesses of unassuming forest patches in eastern Brazil, bird species are taking their final bows on the global evolutionary stage, and winking out. These are obscure birds with quaint names: Alagoas Foliage-Gleaner, Pernambuco Pygmy-Owl, Cryptic Treehunter. But their disappearance portends a turning point in a global biodiversity crisis. Bird extinctions are nothing […]