Tag: finance

At GLF Peatlands 2024, we gathered 1,200 people to explore innovative ways to protect the climate solution we forgot: peatlands.

GLF Live with Mirna Inés Fernández, Sophus zu Ermgassen and Hanieh Moghani

GLF Live with Drea Burbank and Michael Schmidt

In this news roundup: more climate records fall, ECHR deems climate inaction a human rights violation and wartime hunger soars in Sudan

Impact investing was once the domain of public institutions and institutional investors, but times are changing. Can we democratize it?

In this news roundup: Scientists vote against Anthropocene, Panama Canal drought pushes shipping ashore, and why the Earth is turning greener

Discover new impact investing tools launched this year

Sandrine Dixson-Declève, co-president of the Club of Rome, shares her reaction to a disappointing agreement at the COP28 climate summit in Dubai.

At COP28, countries agreed to transition away from fossil fuels and pledged financing for climate loss and damage. But will this be enough?

Can biodiversity solve global hunger? Experts say we need an integrated approach bringing together farmers, scientists, financiers and policymakers.

COP28 has seen countless big pledges and new fund announcements. But delegates have yet to agree on how this money will be distributed.

REDD+ might not have turned out as expected, but its goal of transformational change is still in sight

GLF Live with Christophe Kouame, Tim Christophersen, Derrick Emsley and AnalĂ­ Bustos

In a session at GLF Nairobi 2023 hosted by FOLUR, speakers discussed why finance is crucial to bringing small farmers into land restoration.

Day 1 of GLF Nairobi 2023 gathered thousands of people to explore sovereign solutions from across Africa. Read this wrap-up to learn more.