
In Sri Lanka, fishers are being squeezed between economic turmoil and depleted fisheries. Here’s how environmental education could solve that.

Our food choices and seafood consumption can play a role in ocean health.

The UN's Second World Ocean Assessment lays out the critical state of the oceans – and how little is known about them and their ecosystems.

The largely unknown archipelago in the middle of the Atlantic will host the fourth-largest marine protected area.

The inconvenient truth about some fish farming is that fishmeal and fish oil industries are depleting ocean stocks to produce fish feed.

The fisherpeople of Bahia state’s last intact mangrove forest are facing the cleanup of an origin-unknown oil spill in Brazil alone.

In this bi-weekly digest: COP 25 moves to Madrid, Italy teaches climate change to kids, and why the Paris agreement pledges aren’t enough.

As part of a series giving quick rundown on our planet’s ecosystems, let's learn all about our vital but imperilled oceans.

A quick rundown on our planet’s ecosystems

It’s still unclear what the ocean floor looks like, or how marine species adapt to changes. The U.N. Decade of Ocean Science could answer these questions.

Global warming's effect on oceans and the cryosphere will result in devastating storms, loss of freshwater and threatened fish stocks, say scientists.

1 million species at risk due to human activity

A conversation with Todd Russell, President of NunatuKavut Community Council