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To restore degraded lands globally, organizations release a shared vision guided by science to support the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration.
A new study projects massive declines in fossil fuel production to limit climate change within global emissions targets.
The number of North Atlantic right whales dying from human-related causes has spiked due to the downstream effects of global warming
Global assessment aims to catalogue all tree species and their conservation status in order to inform restoration action.
An international panel of 200 scientists has called for a halt to Amazon deforestation, warning that the rainforest stands on the brink of a tipping point.
Scientists and policymakers stress importance of targeting managed and agricultural landscapes in Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework.
The IPCC Sixth Assessment, a major new climate change report, maps out expected changes as we approach 1.5 degrees of global warming
GLF Live with Fatou Jeng, Paloma Costa and Ridhima Pandey
Of USD 30 billion, negligible amounts reach Indigenous communities managing nearly half the world’s non-Antarctic land, report finds.
The 10 Billion Tree Tsunami could pilot a new financial mechanism – and set an example for other developing countries with forestation goals.
Hear from the Global Landscapes Forum's 6 Restoration Stewards on the most important decade for the planet.