Tag: greenhouse gases

A quick guide to how to offset emissions best, from understanding key terminology to finding the right projects to support.

From NDCs to finance, countries have a long way to to prevent runaway climate change, says Climate Action Tracker report ahead of COP 26.

The Global Landscapes Forum proves digital conferencing holds massive advantages for climate, social and knowledge-sharing goals.

As COP 25 kicks off in Madrid, Landscape News talked youth, Indigenous women and scientists about their hopes and concerns for the U.N. climate conference.

What are carbon markets, and how do they work? This short article explains carbon taxes, cap-and-trade, voluntary markets and more.

New methods of growing rice can increase yields by up to 200 percent, while reducing water use and greenhouse gas emissions.

Countries leverage a decade of REDD+ to advance the Paris Agreement

See how much you know about ongoing initiatives to re-green the planet

New report explains a 1.5-degree-warmer world

Of the 50 billion tonnes of greenhouse gases added to the atmosphere each year, about 2 billion tonnes (4%) come from wildfires. Warmer temperatures, driven by El Niño, can drive emissions even higher. Emissions from last year’s Indonesian fires alone were estimated to be 1.78 billion tonnes and, in 1997, 4.2 billion tonnes. Getting wildfire […]