
Countries must improve capacity to collect and share statistics

Tackling the gendered hazards facing environmental defenders

Traditional knowledge and 'cosmo visions' vital for restoration

Unity over rainforests and indigenous land rights

Numbers, knowledge, stories show local inclusion foundational to sustainability

Indigenous and local communities need tenure to protect – and survive in – landscapes

Janene Yazzie takes on radioactive river pollution and human rights

Violent attacks increase

Indispensable expertise for landscapes preservation

Of the 50 billion tonnes of greenhouse gases added to the atmosphere each year, about 2 billion tonnes (4%) come from wildfires. Warmer temperatures, driven by El Niño, can drive emissions even higher. Emissions from last year’s Indonesian fires alone were estimated to be 1.78 billion tonnes and, in 1997, 4.2 billion tonnes. Getting wildfire […]

In 2015, more than 500 million hectares of forests were held by indigenous peoples.  Despite the increase in forest area designated for and owned by indigenous peoples in recent decades, governments still administer 60 percent of these forest areas while firms and private individuals administer 9 percent. Pressure exerted by indigenous peoples over the past […]

Conservationists spend a lot of time talking about monitoring the impacts of our work. Historically, we’ve done a great job of monitoring ecological outcomes, but unfortunately the same is not true for measuring human well-being outcomes. As much as we might not want to admit it, we know little of the ways and mechanisms through […]

Rural communities across Africa face a variety of threats to their customary and indigenous land and natural resource claims. The drivers of these threats are diverse: increasing foreign investment, national elite speculation, rising population densities, climate change, and national infrastructure mega-projects, to name a few. The introduction of such external destabilizing influences often sets off […]