Tag: indigenous peoples

Peatlands are one of our most important climate solutions – and one of the most threatened. Here’s how we can protect them.

Every year in March, Indigenous rangers team up with scientists and the Australian government to monitor and protect the great desert skink.

Sustainable architecture is booming – but what inspiration can it take from traditional buildings, from igloos to yurts to windcatchers?

In a session at GLF Nairobi 2023 hosted by FOLUR, speakers discussed why finance is crucial to bringing small farmers into land restoration.

In Papua New Guinea, a major carbon finance project has been exposed for deceiving local communities. Can we make carbon markets inclusive?

There is a wide variety of language and jargon around sustainability reporting standards. Here’s how two initiatives are working to fix that.

In this guide, find out all you need to know about regenerative agriculture: what it is, how it works and why it’s so important

In this exclusive interview, Éliane Ubalijoro reflects on a career devoted to tackling poverty and food insecurity across the Global South.

GLF Live with Nicoletta Centofanti, Jingdong Hua and David Craig

News to know in the Landscape News digest

On 13 July 2023, the Finance for Nature Digital Forum explored how finance can join forces with nature in Latin America and the Caribbean.

On the Philippine island of Mindanao, Indigenous Peoples are turning to seed saving to build food security.

Aquaculture often gets a bad rap for its impact on ecosystems and livelihoods. Here’s how it can feed us more sustainably.

This year’s Acampamento Terra Livre (Free Land Camp) brought 6,000 Indigenous people to Brasilia to demand recognition of their land rights.

Tropical forest archaeologists are digging up new learnings from ancient Amazon Indigenous civilizations that can inform modern law.