
There could be 143 million climate refugees worldwide by 2050. Where will they go – and what can world leaders do to prepare?

As climate change bites, communities in the Maldives are forced to make tough choices to adapt and relocate away from the rising seas.

Increasing numbers of people are forced to leave their homes due to climate migration – but lack legal protection as refugees.

Experts report the latest insights from three countries, from ancestral techniques like Ecuador's Chakra system to new government collaborations.

In this news roundup: Norway divests from oil sands, Michael Moore documentary sparks controversy, and how solar and wind became cheaper than coal and gas.

Pastoralists and their ancestral lands are showing their environmental, cultural and economic value for the global future.

The fisherpeople of Bahia state’s last intact mangrove forest are facing the cleanup of an origin-unknown oil spill in Brazil alone.

Linking local and global restoration efforts at day two of the Global Landscapes Forum Accra

Having spent his youth spent living through a series of droughts and famine, Ibrahim Thiaw shares messages and memories on desertified landscapes.

On the interplay between migration, gender and agroforestry

Filmmaker Matthieu Rytz on Anote’s Ark

Countries progress on regional issues at Central Asia Climate Change Conference

A primer on five countries’ conditions in climate change

Our pick of this year's top 10 stories

Planning for more movement