Tag: oil palm

From what's on your shelves to what's in the atmosphere, here's all the latest climate news to know in Landscape News's bi-weekly digest.

Meet the winners of 2019’s ‘Green Nobel Prize’

A look at forest food diets in the face of plantation expansion

Violent attacks increase

The European Tropical Forest Research Network is interested in your work on zero deforestation commitments. What has worked, and what hasn’t?

Land used for palm oil production could be nearly doubled without expanding into protected or high-biodiversity forests, according to a new study.

This article is part of a special three-part series leading up to the Global Landscapes Forum 2016- The Investment Case. This one-day experts symposium – to be held in London on June 6- aims to accelerate investment in landscapes by connecting funds to farms and forests.  There is little homogeneity in our world. This is true even among […]

Most people want to do the right thing in life. But sometimes doing what’s right can be costly or inconvenient. So additional incentives are needed to encourage good behavior. Nowhere is this more apparent than in the palm oil industry. Producing palm oil sustainably requires producers to, among other things, reduce biodiversity loss and deforestation, […]

Conservationists and environmental scientists are used to bad news. So when there’s some really good news, it’s important to hear that as well. While the battle is far from over, there has been a series of breakthroughs in the long-running battle to protect the imperilled Leuser ecosystem in northern Sumatra, Indonesia – the last place […]

By Meghna Krishnadas. Originally published by Yale Environment Review. South-east Asia hosts some of the world’s most biodiverse forests. In addition to their spectacular species richness, many of these forests also provide vital ecosystem services related to carbon storage, climate regulation, water security, and soil health. However, global market forces coupled with a strong push […]

Indonesia and Malaysia are at the centre of the world’s decades-long palm oil boom. Between them the two countries have planted more than 15 million hectares of oil palm, employ about 4 million workers, and produce 84% of the world’s palm oil. It is the biggest and fastest rural transformation the countries have seen. Palm […]

A shift towards monoculture plantations and higher chemical use is of great concern to many in the Mekong region, particularly due to the impact this is having on food security and health. Farmers who have resisted monoculture cropping, and opted to maintain or create mixed-species agroforestry systems, are benefiting from income and food security and […]