
Six Restoration Stewards, five days and one of the most biodiverse mountain regions in the world

Meet the new cohort of GLF Restoration Stewards as they talk about what it's like to be selected and their plans for the next 12 months.

Here’s what the inaugural Restoration Stewards cohort achieved - across drylands, seascapes, forests, peatlands and more.

A photo essay of a journey to Charity Lanoi’s Maasai community project site, a GLF 2021 Restoration Steward.

GLF Live with Wambui Paula Waibochi, Adrian Leitoro, Safiatou Nana and Patricia Kombo

Meet the six new recipients of our Restoration Stewards award from around the world, working from forests to marine habitats.

Hear from the Global Landscapes Forum's 6 Restoration Stewards on the most important decade for the planet.