
A conversation with El Salvador’s Minister Lina Pohl

General Assembly agrees to urgently address global challenges through restoration

How the woody grass can advance restoration and economies

New journal maps threats for tropical peatlands

Delegates at GLF Bonn make the business case for balancing social, economic and environmental goals

REDD+ might not have turned out as expected, but its goal of transformational change is still in sight

Commitment capsule: The Sustainable Development Goals

Digital advances for a data revolution

Planning for more movement

At the GLF we have been empowering women to be be bold and take leadership in creating the beautiful, equitable and sustainable landscapes of tomorrow.

Advisor to the Environment Minister of Morocco, Ayman Cherkaoui, speaks on the sidelines of the Global Landscapes Forum: The Investment Case, held on 6 June 2016 in London. A Q&A with Ayman Cherkaoui, Advisor to the Environment Minister of Morocco How can the private sector engage in tackling climate change? I see it engaging more, […]

In addition to addressing climate finance, one of the main topics discussed at the Global Landscapes Forum: The Investment Case was decoupling deforestation from supply chains. “The Paris Agreement is significant because it brought forward the aspiration of staying below 2 degrees Celsius and put forests in the text,” said Marco Albani, Director of the Tropical Forest Alliance […]

Check out in-depth coverage of the Global Landscapes Forum 2016—The Investment Case, including shifting trends in private sector funding of landscapes.

Small- and medium-sized forestry enterprises (SMFEs) make up a large proportion of the forest sector, accounting for over half the timber production and supporting hundreds of thousands of livelihoods in developing countries − over 50 per cent of the forest sector workforce. But they often operate outside the realms of the law – making them […]

Written by Gabrielle Kissinger (Consultant, UNEP) with input from Ivo Mulder (REDD+ Economics Advisor, UNEP) and Johan Kieft (Green Economy Advisor, UNORCID) UN-REDD Programme This brief corresponds to the session: ‘Changing agricultural fiscal policies to stimulate sustainable economic growth, food production, and reduced deforestation‘ happening at the Global Landscapes Forum, 11.30 – 13.00, Sunday, 6 December, […]