Tag: Sustainable lifestyle

Fish leather, carbon offsets and tree-planting initiatives are seeing these 5 sustainable sneakers brands help wearers tread more lightly on the planet.

News to know in our bi-weekly digest

Soweto’s 'I See a Different You' co-founders on art’s power to change perceptions of their continent

The psychology of creating effective narratives around climate change

Lessons from 5 continents in GLF Kyoto Act III

Climate change could become irreversible in the near future, but it's not too late to start taking action, say speakers at GLF Kyoto.

Notes and quotes from GLF Kyoto Act I

Digging into the psychology of materialism with Tim Kasser

Conservation advocate dispels myths on pulp and paper industry

From overcoming cognitive biases to designing campaigns

Former Irish president Mary Robinson uses true protagonists to show why everyone must cling to hope

Experts discuss forest bathing’s history and health benefits in GLF Digital Summit