Forests and agriculture make up over 30 percent of the solution to climate change – but they receive less than 3 percent of climate financing. Ibrahim Rifath, Unsplash

Finance: a GLF Climate reading list

Get briefed on sustainable finance to prep you for GLF Climate alongside COP26
Fri October 2021

A much greater share of the world’s money is invested in ways that contribute to climate change than the amount spent to prevent it, and this must change. Fortunately, financial innovations and mechanisms are being developed to help protect ecosystems and improve livelihoods, and the Luxembourg-GLF Finance for Nature Platform is working to expand this field and support the growth of new nature-centered financial developments. Join the Global Landscapes Forum on the last day (7 November) of its upcoming conference alongside COP26, GLF Climate to delve deeper into the world of sustainable finance and green investment.

Brief yourself here with a selection of Landscape News’ articles and videos about finance, and to join the event, digitally or in-person, get your ticket here, and learn more about the other days on forests and food systems.

Sustainable finance 101: How to mobilize funds for the planet

All the ins and outs of sustainable investing

Find the full conference agenda here.

The key to financing the Amazon biome’s future survival? Creativity

Q&A with impact investment firm founder and CEO Leonardo Letelier

The Amazon in Ecuador, which entered a USD 50 million financial partnership in 2018 for the protection of 13.6 million of its hectares. NORAD
The Amazon in Ecuador, which entered a USD 50 million financial partnership in 2018 for the protection of 13.6 million of its hectares. NORAD

Learn more about the business case for preserving the planet in “Amazonia Is the Way to Our Future: Business as a Force for Good.” (7 November, 09:00-10:30 GMT)

What are – and aren’t – nature-based solutions?

Multinationals are increasingly harnessing nature to reach green goals, but it can be a tricky business

Small acacia trees being readied for planting in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Axel Fassio, CIFOR
Small acacia trees being readied for planting in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Axel Fassio, CIFOR

Attend the plenary “Greening Finance & Financing Green: Opportunities and Challenges for a Holistic Approach to Boosting Finance for Nature” to learn more about financing nature-based solutions. (7 November 11:00-12:15 GMT)

New ‘stewardship economy’ concept promises environmentally sustainable market systems

Model for financial mechanisms to ensure producers are stewards of nature

A farmer in an agroforested bolaina (West Indian elm) tree plantation in Peru. Juan Carlos Huayllapuma, CIFOR
A farmer in an agroforested bolaina (West Indian elm) tree plantation in Peru. Juan Carlos Huayllapuma, CIFOR

Find out how to invest more in rural communities in “Increasing Local Impacts: From Finance Commitments to Bold Action.” (7 November, 17:30-18:15 GMT)




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