Monica Evans


Monica Evans is a writer and community development practitioner based in Aotearoa New Zealand. Since completing her Masters in Development Studies in 2010, she has worked on environmental and community development projects in New Zealand, the Pacific and Latin America. She’s particularly passionate about participation, creativity and wellbeing, and has a keen interest in ecology and sustainability. She lives on New Zealand’s West Coast, where she teaches dance, grows vegetables and tends to her pet alpacas.

By this writer

New organic certification mechanisms are needed to make their costs worth the benefits to local growers around the world.

It’s not all-or-nothing for organic agriculture. Instead, changing our complex food systems needs a rather a nuanced approach.

Top forestry research organizations issue guidelines for scaling up tropical forest restoration with multiple benefits for stakeholders.

Biophilic design can be used to hone your habitat by optimizing your biological connection with nature and improve your mental wellbeing.

Explore the world's drylands, the ubiquitous, un-trumpeted ecosystems that are critical to feeding the world and cover much of the planet.

Scientists have created a global series of forest carbon flux maps, which can allow policymakers to better select forests for protection.

Dating back millions of years, the fruit and nut forests of Central Asia gave birth to some of the world's favorite snacks.

Learn why the business sector should invest in natural capital and biodiversity for the benefit of people, planet and profit.

Zooming in on the microbial biodiversity that populates our internal and external ecosystems, impacting all aspects of our lives

Particular altitudinal conditions of some mountains can result in cloud forests, unique "elvin woodlands" that contain special ecosystems

Tackling climate change, biodiversity loss and food insecurity with nature-based solutions to build resilient landscapes.

Peatland swamp forests are delicate ecosystems that can mass-store carbon – but only if planted with the right tree species.

Welcome to the Brazilian Cerrado, the wettest savanna on Earth that holds around 5% of the world's biodiversity.

Monica Evans looks at the states of biodiversity in Artic and Antarctic ecosystems and how climate change may affect them

In Southern African, the miombo is a belt of expensive timber and African wildlife. But can it survive population growth?