Category: Finance

The island nation has just used blue bonds to turn 30 percent of its exclusive economic zone (EEZ) into marine protected areas.

Independent evaluation head Jyotsna Puri casts her critical eye on the strengths and weaknesses of the Green Climate Fund, the world's largest climate fund.

A transition to a circular economy is necessary, but how is this achieved? A new report examines the roles and responsibilities of different countries.

Nicolas Mackel, CEO of Luxembourg for Finance, on how to harmonize European and Chinese financial systems and the role of finance in global warming.

2019's top Landscape News stories on sustainable finance, from explainers and glossaries to conversations with some of the world’s largest fund managers.

Alongside the U.N. climate negotiations Madrid (COP 25), people take to the streets for the city's largest climate strike.

At COP 25, climate finance expert Jeff Swartz explains why countries are struggling to negotiate Article 6 on carbon markets.

Accounting for progress and developing a universal language for reporting findings can attract sustainable finance investors, finance experts say.

Leaders raise the profile of the sustainable land-use finance sector at the Global Landscapes Forum’s fourth Investment Case Symposium.

In conversation with Julie Becker, the creator of the world’s first sustainability-focused trading platform, the Luxembourg Green Exchange.

Island states the weigh the financial revenues of mining the Pacific Ocean for minerals against biodiversity and environmental impacts.

Luxembourg Ministry of Environment, Climate and Sustainable Development's André Weidenhaupt sees the country’s future with fewer cars and more finance.

What are carbon markets, and how do they work? This short article explains carbon taxes, cap-and-trade, voluntary markets and more.

New reports break down what type of finance vulnerable countries are receiving, finding that not enough is going toward adaptive measures.

The collapse of the steel industry hit Luxembourg's Belval region hard. Now a €2 billion project seeks to revitalize it through research and innovation.