
In conversation with Julie Becker, the creator of the world’s first sustainability-focused trading platform, the Luxembourg Green Exchange.

Island states the weigh the financial revenues of mining the Pacific Ocean for minerals against biodiversity and environmental impacts.

Luxembourg Ministry of Environment, Climate and Sustainable Development's André Weidenhaupt sees the country’s future with fewer cars and more finance.

What are carbon markets, and how do they work? This short article explains carbon taxes, cap-and-trade, voluntary markets and more.

New reports break down what type of finance vulnerable countries are receiving, finding that not enough is going toward adaptive measures.

The collapse of the steel industry hit Luxembourg's Belval region hard. Now a €2 billion project seeks to revitalize it through research and innovation.

The EIB's sustainable finance expert expounds on technologies, reporting and de-risking investment to beat the climate crisis.

An impact investment veteran gives the state of the sector, from the importance of transparency to how youth are changing money flows.

Tropical forests are vital to limiting global warming – and California's controversial Tropical Forest Standard aims at keeping them in place.

Carole Dieschbourg tells how the world’s 20th-smallest country is becoming a climate leader through energy-system transformation and sustainable finance.

A new report from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development presents a business case for governments to protect biodiversity through taxes.

Linking local and global restoration efforts at day two of the Global Landscapes Forum Accra

Product designer Kennedy Kirui gives the lowdown on Africa’s burgeoning tech scene and how to use design thinking to achieve sustainable development.

Part three of a Landscape News series on the Great Green Wall focuses on the future of the restoration initiative that could change the landscape of Africa.

An in-depth look at the progress and holdbacks of Africa's Great Green Wall, one of history's most ambitious restoration efforts.